SUNY General Education Requirement (GER)
If you entered SUNY in fall 2015 or later, to earn a SUNY associate’s degree, you must earn 30 credits selected from SUNY approved general education courses. These courses are posted on the college website: General Education Requirements and are also listed below. In addition, the 30 credit hours must include courses selected from the following ten Knowledge and Skills Areas:
Basic Communication (BC) (required)
Mathematics (M) (required)
Courses in 5 of the following 8 Knowledge and Skills areas:
American History (AH)
Arts (AR)
Foreign Language (FL)
Humanities (H)
Natural Science (NS)
Other World Civilization (OW)
Social Science (SS)
Western Civilization (WC)
Students will meet the two SUNY Competencies of Critical Thinking and Information Management by completing courses embedded throughout their curriculum.
SUNY General Education Student Learning Outcomes
Please go to the following link for the Student Learning Outcomes in each of the Knowledge and Skills areas and Competencies:
Note: If you entered SUNY between fall 2010 and fall 2014, you may need to complete a course in each of the ten areas and if you entered SUNY before fall 1998, the SUNY-GER may not apply
Students interested in transferring to a SUNY school can find out more about the SUNY General Education requirements at the following link:
Once a student has completed a SUNY General Education requirement at NCCC, that requirement will be accepted as completed at any SUNY college. Students must understand that the transfer college may have additional graduation minimum degree requirements that are also labeled as General Education. Please refer to the college catalog of the transfer college. Students, who have transferred to NCCC from another college or university, should submit their transcript(s) to the College for evaluation. Part of that evaluation will include an analysis of courses for the General Education requirement.
Additional General Education Information
Waiver Criteria: Some requirements may be waived or modified based upon high school work and standardized tests. Waiver information is located after the grid of approved General Education courses in this catalog or can be viewed at the following link:
Courses That Count In More Than One Area: Several courses can count in two areas. For example, ART 137 meets both the Arts and the Western Civilization requirements. If a student takes a course that meets two requirements, he or she must still complete 30 credits of SUNY GER.
Differences between SUNY GER and NCCC Curriculum Requirements: Some courses fulfill SUNY GER requirements but do not fulfill NCCC curriculum requirements in the same category. For example, ANT 230 fulfills the Natural Science requirement for SUNY GER but does not fulfill the science requirement of many programs. Some anthropology, art, music, and theater courses fulfill the Western Civilization requirement for SUNY GER but only courses with the prefix HIS fulfill the history requirement of many programs. Students needing clarification should consult with their advisors.