2015-2016 Student Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2015-2016 Student Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Homeland Security & Emergency Management, A.A.S. (Formerly Known as Emergency Management)

Contact Information

Program Requirements

Typical Program

Degree/Certificate:    Associate in Applied Science
HEGIS Code:            5508
SUNY Code:             1741
Major Code:             HSEM

The Career

Emergency management expertise is valuable to first responders, employed or volunteer; police; fire fighters; emergency medical workers or safety/security officials. In addition, this career path will provide students with an option to enter a new career with many opportunities.  The majority of emergency managers began as first responders and through intensive training advanced to their current positions.

In offering the Homeland Security & Emergency Management degree, NCCC is fulfilling its responsibility to educate students in a field that promises employment or provides the opportunity for advancement as well as offering a program that is important to homeland security.

The NCCC Approach

Emergency management is an important national priority. As demonstrated during floods, natural disasters, forest fires and terrorist events, the ability to draw emergency management teams-all trained to one national standard from wherever available to wherever needed-is critical to the welfare and safety of our citizens and the security of our nation.

The Homeland Security & Emergency Management degree program will provide students with the knowledge and experience necessary to respond in a unified manner to natural or man-made emergency situations. Students will be trained to coordinate and evaluate the resources and operations dealing with emergency situations and their aftermath.

The program is designed specifically to attract and prepare area fire fighters, police, emergency medical workers and private safety/security professionals as part of a statewide effort to establish standardized emergency management degree programs in community colleges in New York State. We have dynamic, qualified emergency management faculty who are a part of this very good program, which falls under Homeland Security.

NCCC has structured the learning environment by participating in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Management Higher Education Project. The degree incorporates emergency management courses of study offered through the FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project, state and local courses and nationally recognized courses in the incident command system.


Students admitted in fall, spring and summer.

The Homeland Security & Emergency Management program is offered as a full-time day program, part-time program and online classes. Because of the sequencing of courses, it may take longer than four semesters to complete the full-time program if a student begins in the spring semester.

Program Goals and Objectives

  • To prepare students to react to and be effective before, during and after any local, statewide or national emergency
  • To graduate students who have the knowledge, experience, critical decision-making, communication skills and leadership skills needed to be able to respond appropriately to emergency situations as individuals and, more importantly, manage community responses to emergency situations

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates will:

  • Communicate effectively a knowledge of emergency management content areas to include public safety critical incident command, emergency planning, emergency operations, exercise planning, emergency operations center organization and management, leadership, resource planning and utilization of national emergency management operation guidelines
  • Apply the knowledge base of necessary skills and demonstrate the ability to function within the National Incident Management System during a local, statewide or federal emergency
  • Demonstrate critical thinking, communication and management skills by analyzing situations, determining proper actions, evaluating possible alternatives and unforeseen circumstances, and then taking appropriate actions as an incident manager

Program Requirements (HSEM)

  1. A total of at least 62-credit hours with a minimum curriculum grade-point average of 2.0. Academic Foundations courses do not count toward the degree.
  2. Emergency Management: A minimum of 30-credit hours to include:
  3. Social Sciences: A minimum of 12-credit hours to include:
    ___  ___    Social Sciences  elective*
  4. Health/Physical Education: A minimum of 2-credit hours.
  5. Humanities: A minimum of 6-credit hours to include:
  6. Mathematics: A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
  7. Arts & Media: A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
  8. Computer Science: A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
  9. Natural Science: A minimum of 3-credit hours to be selected by advisement.

Typical Program


Total Credit Hours: 15


Total Credit Hours: 16


Total Credit Hours: 17


Total Credit Hours: 17



* Consider selection of a course that would fulfill one of the SUNY general education requirements.

** Dependent upon fulfillment of Academic Foundations requirements.

Scholarship Opportunities

There are several scholarships available to NCCC students.  Scholarship deadline dates vary each semester.  For more information, please visit the scholarship webpage at www.niagaracc.suny.edu/scholarships . The NCCC Scholarship Office is located within the Financial Aid Complex, A-114 or by phone (716) 614-6205.