New Course Descriptions
BUS 117 - Business Law I
3 credits
This course provides an introduction to the study of law and the processes by which law is created. A brief discussion of court systems and tort law is followed by an extended analysis of the principles of contract law. The law of sales is also reviewed. Ethical decision-making and examples of ethical, unethical and illegal behavior are reviewed during each topic. The relationship between principles and agents, as well as employees, are examined in some detail. (Usually offered Fall and Spring semesters.)
BUS 118 - Business Law II
3 credits
The characteristics of negotiable instruments (checks and promissory notes) are discussed in some detail. There is an examination of the law related to real property transactions (real estate). Landlord - tenant relationships are reviewed. Formation of corporations, sole proprietorships, partnerships, Limited Liability partnerships and Limited Liability companies and non-profit organizations are reviewed. There is also an analysis of wills, labor law, insurance law, and consumer as well as environmental law. Ethical and unethical and illegal practices in the workplaces are integrated into each topic. Securities laws and antitrust laws and examples are used. Discussion of Sarbannes Oxley (2002) and Dodd-Frank (2010) and the 2008 housing crisis are also discussed in detail. There is also an analysis of wills, labor law, insurance law, and consumer as well as environmental law. It is not necessary to complete Business Law I before enrolling in Business Law II. (Usually offered Spring semester.)
CIS 105 - Introduction to Operating Systems
1 credit
This course is intended for students who have little or no computer experience. Topics include an overview of personal computer hardware and software, the use of basic computer operating system (e.g. Windows or Mac OS) features, and an explanation of the operating system. (Usually offered Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.)
If you have taken any three of the module courses below, you are not allowed to register for CIS100, Introduction to Computer Applications. CIS100 contains the same content as:
- CIS105 (Introduction to Operating Systems)
- CIS109 (Introduction to Database)
- CIS111 (Introduction to Word Processing)
- CIS115 (Introduction to Spreadsheets)
- CIS116 (Introduction to Presentations)
CIS 201 - Advanced Computer Applications
3 credits
This course is intended for students who have previous experience creating, editing and maintaining basic spreadsheets and databases using Microsoft Office. Topics will include advanced spreadsheet and database applications, managing databases and integrating information between applications.
HED 208 - Sport Nutrition (Special Topics)
3 credits
This course is designed to bridge the gap between Nutrition & Health (HED 205) related coursework and the practical application of this knowledge within the discipline of personal training. The NCSF Sport Nutrition Specialist Course builds upon the foundational knowledge related to nutrition by exploring the intricacies of improving sport performance through adjustments to dietary practices. The course will provide the scientific basis for sport nutrition and covers the principles, background and rationale for current sport nutrition guidelines. A Sport Nutrition Specialist Certification is available through the National Council of Strength and Fitness upon successful completion of the course. (See note*).
* Upon completion of the National Council of Strength and Fitness exam (>62%), students will have earned the title of Sport Nutrition Specialist (NCSF-SNS). Sitting for the National exam is optional for each individual student (where a separate cost is required).
PSY 255 - Methods of Scientific Inquiry
3 credits
This course examines the fundamental principles of scientific research and methods in the field of Psychology. Major topics include evaluating scientific literature, formulating hypotheses, population identification and sampling; experimental, quasi-experimental, and correlational research designs; basic statistical tests; data analysis; interpretation and application of results; scientific writing using APA style; and ethical issues in research.
CIS 103 - Keyboarding on the Personal Computer (formerly OFT 100 - Keyboarding on the Personal Computer)