2021-2022 Student Catalog 
    Jan 19, 2025  
2021-2022 Student Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Addendum - Effective Spring 2022

Course Description Changes


ANT 230 - Forensic Anthropology, 3 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  3 Lec.
This course will introduce the student to the forensic applications of anthropology and human biology.  Students will learn the essentials of human osteology and the effects of disease and trauma on the human skeleton.  Topics will also include estimation of age, sex, race, and stature reconstruction from skeletal materials.  Short topics will also include crime scene processing, weapons, wounds, and DNA identification and applications of blood typing and serology to criminal investigations and legal proceedings.  Emphasis will be placed throughout on the applications of forensic anthropology to criminal investigations, human identification, and the operation of the criminal justice system. (Usually offered Fall and Spring semesters)
Meets SUNY General Education requirement for Natural Science (NS)


DIG 100 - Media Arts Success, 1 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  1 Lec.
Media Arts Success is designed to help students acquire the essential skills needed for academic success in the Digital Media Program and Communication Studies Program. Topics covered include: Program requirements, setting short-term and long-term educational and career goals, college survival skills, critical thinking, the creative process, and utilizing campus support services. This course is restricted to Digital Media students and Communication Studies students.  (Usually offered Fall and Spring semesters).


DIG 104 - Digital Video and Audio, 3 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  3 Lec.

This course introduces students to various digital technologies used to create video and audio media. The course includes an overview of digital video and audio theory; the history and evolution of digital technology, including computers, cell phones/smart phones, storage devices and media, and video game technology; file compression, sampling; bit rate; bit depth; video recording and display technology, the preparation of still images for video, the preparation of video and audio content for streaming, and issues related to file sharing, copyright, fair use, and intellectual property rights in the digital age.
Pre-requisite:  AAC 042 and ENG 099 or waiver through testing


DIG 105 - Social Media, 3 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  3 Lec.

Students in this course will study various concepts related to social media from mass communication and interpersonal communication approaches. Topics include, but are not limited to: impression management, social media attributes, measuring attention, co-creation, virtual communities, and network analysis. Focus throughout the course will remain on the impact of social media on society, communication, business, and culture. This course is grounded in both theory and practice.  In the second half of the course, students will put their knowledge into practice as they develop social media campaign proposals for existent companies. 


DIG 110 - Intro to Web Technology, 3 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week: 3 Lec.

In this course students are introduced to the concepts behind the World Wide Web and the various tools that are used to access, create, share and secure content. Topics include: Internet protocols, software and hardware; Internet connectivity; data transmission; digital literacy; media literacy; information literacy; communication, and collaboration tools; social media for personal learning and professional networking;  Web technologies such as social bookmarking, blogs, document sharing; online website development; and applications for screen casting, infographic creation, photo editing and sharing; and applications for online document sharing and collaboration. Students will also explore emerging technologies such as virtual, mixed, augmented reality and artificial intelligence. This course is required for Digital Media students and open to all students.
Pre-requisites:  AAC 042 and ENG 099 or waiver through testing


DIG 200 - Digital Portfolio, 1 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  1 Lec.

This course is the culmination of the student’s experience in the Digital Media or Communication Studies programs and should be taken in their last semester of study in the program. Students use this course to assemble a web-based portfolio of the work they have produced in their courses. Faculty provide students with guidance in methods of presentation and organization of the portfolio. Students will be expected to develop both a print and digital resume for inclusion in their portfolio.
Restricted to Digital Media and Communication Studies majors.
Usually offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Pre-requisites that may be met concurrently: DIG 206 or CIS 218 or COM 210


PHI 149 - Introduction to Philosophy, 3 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  3 Lec.
This course serves as an introduction to the methodologies of philosophical inquiry.  Students will be introduced to basic philosophical literature branching out from Plato and Socrates. Through careful and reflective studying, students will learn about a variety of philosophical perspectives that can enhance systematic reflective thinking, which most skilled jobs require. Students may also find that the overall quality of life can be enhanced by careful and patient reflection on the deeper questions in life. In an introductory course, students can expect to come away with a general overview of the history of philosophy, how to think philosophically, and knowledge of where to learn more about philosophy.
Pre-requisites: AAC 042 and ENG 099 or waiver through testing
Meets SUNY General Education Requirement for Humanities (H)


PHI 155 - Political Philosophy: Community, Culture and State Power, 3 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week: 3 Lec.

This course will explore the political relationship between what it means to be a free individual, a member of a community, and a citizen. We will consider how these relationships shape our understanding of crucial issues concerning our environment, culture, and social power. The philosophical context of the course will grow out of readings about fundamental political ideas that shape thought and action in contemporary politics. We will examine major theories about the source of political authority including social contract theory, liberalism, and Marxism. We will consider the implications of each theory on the proper scope of and limits on government power, the structure of political institutions, and the role of groups and individuals in society. (Occasionally offered)
Pre-requisites: AAC 042 and ENG 099 or waiver through testing


PSC 101 - American Government, 3 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  3 Lec.

This course provides an overview of the basic structure, functions, and processes of the American government at the national level. Concepts of constitutionalism, federalism, and civil liberties are analyzed through study of the U.S. Constitution and significant Supreme Court cases. Emphasis is placed on encouraging participation in the political process. (Occasionally offered)
Pre-requisites:  AAC 042 and ENG 099 or waiver through testing

Course Prefix Change


JPN 101 - Elementary Japanese I, 3 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  3 Lec.
Formerly JAP 101 - Elementary Japanese I


JPN 102 - Elementary Japanese II, 3 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  3 Lec.
Formerly JAP 102 - Elementary Japanese II


Course Pre-requisite Change


HRT 215 - Cannabis Production, 4 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week: 4 Lec.

Learn the science behind the cultivation, propagation, and production of cannabis, including industrial hemp and various strains of marijuana.  This course will provide students with the latest research and best management practices for the indoor and outdoor commercial production of cannabis species including methods of propagation, lighting, irrigation, media, equipment, fertility, harvesting, drying, and curing.  Information on hydroponics and organic options will be included
Pre-requisite that may be met concurrently:  HRT 140


HRT 220 - Cannabis Pest Management, 3 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  3 Lec.

Designed to develop the student’s skills for biotic and abiotic diagnostic problem identification and understanding of potential prevention and treatment options in the cannabis industry.  This course covers the identification of various environmental, nutrient, and insect, disease, and weed pest issues as well as cultural, non-chemical, organic, biological controls, and synthetic chemical pest management options and how they impact quality control issues.  Emphasis is placed on sustainable, best management practices.
Pre-requisite that may be met concurrently: HRT 184


New Course


CUL 250 - Culinary Cannabis and Edibles, 2 Cr.
Contact Hours Per Week:  2 Lec.

This course includes an important introduction to the legal, financial, and societal issues surrounding the culinary cannabis industry. Learn about the laws that govern cannabis distribution, cultivation, possession, and consumption for adults and medical patients. Additionally, this course will explore the history of cannabis, plant anatomy, concentrates & extracts, the human endocannabinoid system, cannabis terpenes, culinary cannabis industry math, cannabis shopping / storage / cooking, and careers available in the industry. This course is specifically designed to prepare students for the American Culinary Federation - Specialization Certificate in Culinary Cannabis and Edibles Exam.