In this section you will find a complete listing of SUNY Niagara’s full-time administrators and faculty, along with their titles and credentials. We have also provided a listing of community people who serve on our advisory committees and a complete listing of institutions in the State University of New York System.
Board of Trustees
Kevin Clark
Jason J. Cafarella
Vice Chairperson
Niagara Falls
Katherine D. Alexander
Financial Secretary
North Tonawanda
Sheila Smith
Niagara Falls
E. Bryan DalPorto
Niagara Falls
David J. Haylett, Jr.
William L. Ross
Niagara Falls
Gail L. Tylec
North Tonawanda
Gina I. Virtuoso
Niagara Falls
Lee S. Wallace
Niagara Falls
Student Trustee
2023 Niagara County Legislature
Rebecca J. Wydysh
2nd District
Anthony J. Nemi
Vice Chairman
11th District
Randy R. Bradt
Majority Leader
9th District
Christopher A. Robins
Minority Leader
5th District
Irene M. Myers
1st District
Christopher J. McKimmie
3rd District
Jeffrey Elder
4th District
Christopher Voccio
6th District
Jesse P. Gooch
7th District
Richard L. Andres
8th District
David E. Godfrey
10th District
Carla L. Speranza
12th District
Richard E. Abbott
13th District
Shawn A. Foti
14th District
Michael A. Hill
15th District
Administrative Officers
Lloyd A. Holmes, Ph.D.
President of the College
A.S., Itawamba Community College
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Mississippi
Vice President of Administration
Vice President of Student Services
Maher Ghalayini, Ph.D.
Vice President of Academic Affairs
B.S., University of Southern Florida
M.B.A., Wilfrid Laurier University
L.L.M., York University
Ed.D., Northeastern University
Administrative Staff
Deanna Alterio Brennen
Assistant Director of Grants (SBDC)
B.S., Niagara University
William R. Annable
Chief of Campus Public Safety/Peace Officer
A.A.S., Genesee Community College
Abigail Bacon
Business Advisor-SBDC
B.A., Emory University
M.P.A., Middlebury Institute of International Studies
William Beilein
Head Coach
B.A., SUNY Oswego
Jonathan Bellomo
Assistant Director of Human Resources
A.S., Jamestown Community College
B.S.B.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Nathan Beutel
Head Coach
B.S., M.S., Medaille
Joshua Blumberg
Assistant Vice President, Academic Affairs (Niagara Falls Campus Manager)
B.S., M.S.Ed., SUNY College at Buffalo
Taylor Bowers
Interim Educational Opportunity Program Coordinator
B.S., SUNY College at Brockport
M.S., Canisius College
Catherine Brown
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
Title IX Coordinator
B.S., Niagara University
M.B.A., SUNY Empire State College
Tammy Bruno
Interim Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs
B.A., SUNY at Buffalo
M.S.Ed., Niagara University
Matthew Clingersmith
Head Coach
A.A., Erie Community College
B.S., Canisius College
Michael Dashineau
Director of Facilities
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
Barbara DeSimone
Assistant Vice President of Institutional Advancement
B.A., SUNY at Geneseo
M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Delaney Douglas
Assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs
B.S., SUNY Brockport
M.Ed., SUNY at Buffalo
Christine DuQuin
Director of Child Development Center
B.S.Ed., SUNY College at Buffalo
John Eichner
Director of Business & Financial Services
B.S., SUNY College at Fredonia C.P.A.
Fabio Escobar, Ph.D.
Interim Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs/Institutional Effectiveness
B.A., California State University, Northridge
Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo
Jillian Faddoul
Events Coordinator
A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Canisius College
M.S., Niagara University
Stephanie Florczak
Director of Admissions
B.S., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
M.S., Medaille College
Terry Gill
Assistant Chief of Campus Public Safety/Peace Officer
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Keuka College
Jesse Goldberg
Chief Information Officer
B.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Courtney Helinski
Interim Director of Development
B.A., Canisius College
Maureen Henderson
Director, Small Business Development Center
B.S., M.B.A., St. Bonaventure University
Christopher Herbeck
Assistant Director of Grants
B.A., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Kelsey Kraft
Interim Controller
A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Daemen College
Daniel Krzyzanowicz
Head Coach
A.S., Herkimer County Community College
B.S., Defiance College
M.S., Medaille College
Harold Legg
Director of Public Relations & Event Management
B.A., SUNY at Geneseo
M.P.A., SUNY at Brockport
Kristin Leszkowicz
Assistant to the President
B.S., Canisius College
Emily Lonigan
Director of Community Education
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
Matthew Mackey
Director of User & Administrative Technical Services
B.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Kathleen McFadden
Assistant Director, Liberty Partnership Grant
A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., SUNY at Buffalo
M.S.Ed., Canisius College
Robert McKeown
Assistant Vice President of Student Services & Student Engagement
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Empire State College
M.S., Clarion University
Brian Michel
Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs (Economic Development)
B.A., M.B.A., St. Bonaventure University
Ph.D., Liberty University
Andrea Modeste
Director of Liberty Partnership Grant
A.S., Villa Maria College
B.A., Canisius College
M.A., SUNY at Empire State College
Diane Pytlik-Flammia
Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S.N., M.S.N., D.H.A., University of Phoenix
Megan Schutte
Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs/Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
B.A., St. Bonaventure University
M.A., Salisbury University
Ph.D., Morgan State University
Nicole Sedor
Assistant Director of Admissions
B.A., Mercyhurst University
M.A., Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo
Carolyn Szegda
Assistant Director of Liberty Partnership Grant
B.S, M.S. Ed., Niagara University
Mary Alice Torba
Director of Workforce Development
B.S.Ed., SUNY College at Buffalo
M.S.Ed., Niagara University
James Trimboli
Director of Financial Aid
A.S., Bryant and Stratton Business Institute
B.S., Medaille College
M.A., SUNY College at Buffalo
Sherry Wagner, PHR, SHRM-CP
Assistant Director of Human Resources
B.S.B.A., SUNY at Fredonia
Caitlin Wetherwax
Director of Career and Transitional Services
B.A., Niagara University
Akie Yanagi
Director of Planning & Research
B.A., Hirosaki University
M.A., Middle Tennessee State University
M.A., Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo
Dinene Zaleski
Finance Specialist - SBDC
B.S., SUNY at Brockport
Suman Baral
Instructor, Physics
M.S., Baylor University
Ph.D., Baylor University
Braidy Barnes
Assistant Professor, Industrial Technology
B.S.C.E., SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Cathleen Barron
Associate Professor, Baking and Pastry Arts
A.O.S., SUNY at Cobleskill
B.S., M.S. Ed., SUNY College at Buffalo
Lindsey Bax
Assistant Professor, Medical Assistant and Phlebotomy
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., M.S., SUNY Excelsior College
Bridget Beilein
Associate Professor, Foreign Language
B.A., Michigan State University
M.S., Niagara University
William Blenk
Instructor, Animation
A.A.T., Art Institute of Pittsburgh
B.F.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Mark Bonacci
Professor, Human Services
B.A., Manhattanville College
M.S.W., New York University
Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo
Anthony Bonura
Instructor, Welding
A.A.S., SUNY Niagara
Raymond Boucher
Assistant Professor, Theater Arts
B.S., SUNY Brockport
M.A., SUNY Cortland
Danielle Brant
Associate Professor, Animal Management
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.A., Buffalo State College
M.S., University of Maryland
Lynn Brochu
Professor, Health and Physical Education Studies
B.A., Brock University
B.Edu, M.S., Canisius College
Barbara Buckman
Professor, Art
B.F.A., SUNY College at Buffalo
M.F.A., Hunter College
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2012-13
Suzanne Buffamanti
Professor, English
B.A., University of Rochester
M.A., Ph.D., Purdue University
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2007-08
Michele Burke
Assistant Professor, Radiologic Technology
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Empire State
M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Salvatore Caterina
Instructor, Criminal Justice
B.A., Syracuse University
M.A., SUNY at Albany
Adelle Cerreta
Instructor, Psychology
B.S., UC Berkeley
Ph.D., University of Nevada
Matthew Clarcq
Professor, History
B.A., SUNY at Geneseo
M.A., Ph.D, SUNY at Buffalo
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2010-11
Aaron Cobaugh
Associate Professor, Animal Management
B.S., St. Francis University
M.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Annie Rae Czerwinski
Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., Hilbert College
B.S.N., Niagara University
D.N.P., SUNY at Buffalo
Daniel DiPirro
Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts
B.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Donald Fisher
Professor, History
B.A., St. John Fisher College
M.A., Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2023-24
Lisa Fix
Instructor, Radiologic Technology
A.S., Niagara County Community College
Gemma Fournier
Professor, Surgical Technology
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Niagara University
M.S.N., University of Phoenix
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2012-13
Mark Fronczak
Associate Professor, Biology
Doctor of Chiropractic, New York Chiropractic College
Danielle Gonser
Instructor, Radiologic Technology
A.S., Erie Community College
C., Trocaire College
B.S., M.A., Medaille College
James Goodrich
Instructor, Art
B.F.A, SUNY College at Buffalo
M.F.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Courtney Grim
Assistant Professor, Digital Media
B.F.A., Ohio University
M.F.A., Rochester Institute of Technology
Bethany Ann Gysbers
Professor, Biology
B.S., Newcomb College, Tulane University
Ph.D., University of Texas Medical Branch
Anne Marie Holler
Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S., D’Youville College
M.S., SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome
Annette Johnson
Assistant Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Monroe Community College
B.S.N., M.S., Nazareth College
Ed.D., A.T. Still University
Katherine Johnson
Professor, Sociology
B.A., SUNY College at Buffalo
M.A., Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo
Anne Jowsey
Professor, Mathematics
A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., M.S.E., SUNY College at Buffalo
André Katkov
Instructor, English
M.F.A., California State University
Ph.D., University of Rhode Island
Kristopher Kavanaugh
Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., Ohio University
M.S.N., Western Governors University
Rebekah Keaton
Professor, English
B.A., SUNY at Buffalo
M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State University
Kareen Klettke
Associate Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Alfred State College
B.S.N., SUNY at Buffalo
M.S.N., University of Phoenix
Nancy Knechtel
Professor, Art
B.A., SUNY College at Buffalo
M.A., SUNY at Buffalo
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 1992-93
Nathan Koscielski
Associate Professor, Culinary Arts
A.O.S., Pennsylvania Culinary Institute
B.S., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Brian Krol
Instructor, Communication Studies
B.A., M.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Ph.D., Bowling Green State University
Tadeus Krupa Jr.
Professor, Mathematics
A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.A., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Pamela Lange
Associate Professor, Humanities
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Brianne Lawton-O’Brien
Assistant Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Genesee Community College
B.S., M.S.N., Roberts Wesleyan College
Yu Liu
Professor, English
B.A., Loyang Foreign Languages Institute, China
M.A., Lancaster University, UK
M.S., Edinburgh University, UK
Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2009-10
Benjamin Loomis
Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts
A.O.S. The Culinary Institute of America
B.S., D’Youville College
M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Julianne Masocco Rademacker
Instructor, Childhood Education
B.S.Ed., M.S., SUNY College at Fredonia
John Matwijkow
Associate Professor, Culinary Arts
B.S., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
David Milazzo
Professor, Mathematics
B.S., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2012-13
Daniel Miller
Professor, Mathematics
A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
M.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Melissa Moore
Assistant Professor, Horticulture
B.A., Keuka College
M.S., SUNY at Buffalo
John Morse
Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Boston College
M.A., University of Puerto Rico
J.D., St. John’s University
Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo
David M. Nemi
Professor, Business Administration
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., M.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Cindy L. Oberjosh
Professor, Humanities
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., SUNY at Buffalo
M.S., Canisius College
Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
Marc Pietrzykowski
Professor, English
B.A., Empire State College
M.F.A., Ph.D., Georgia State University
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2013-14
Amanda Pollard
Associate Professor, Sociology
B.A., M.A., SUNY at Buffalo
John Pope
Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.A., LeMoyne College
Paul Ratka
Assistant Professor, Economics
B.A., Daemen College
M.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Lindsay Rose
Professor, Chemistry
B.S., Butler University
Ph.D., Cornell University
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2018-2019
Shannon Roth
Assistant Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S.N., Western Governors University
M.S.N., Daemen College
Christine Ruffolo
Assistant Professor, Accounting
B.B.A., M.B.A., Niagara University
Laurie Ryan
Professor, Business Administration
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Empire State College
M.S., SUNY at Buffalo
M.B.A., Niagara University
Elizabeth Sachs
Professor, English
B.S., St. Olaf College
M.A., University of Illinois-Urbana
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2004-05
Demetrius Sarigiannis
Associate Professor, Engineering
B.S., Clarkson University
M.S., University of Rochester
Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo
Laura Scaletta
Professor, Psychology
B.A., Brock University, Canada
M.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Laura Scarpelli
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology
M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Joseph Schmidt
Professor, Audio Recording & Production
B.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Susan Siegmann
Professor, Business Administration
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., SUNY at Buffalo
M.A., SUNY Empire State College
Theodore P. Skotnicki
Professor, Criminal Justice
B.A., Niagara University
M.A., University of Chicago
M.A., SUNY at Albany
Corina Stammworthy
Instructor, Biology
B.S., M.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Carolyn Stanko
Professor, Horticulture
B.S., University of Arizona
M.S., Michigan State University
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2022-23
Estelle Steiner
Professor, Biology
B.S., University of Wyoming at Laramie
Ph.D. University of Colorado at Boulder
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2014-15
Scott Steiner
Professor, Culinary Arts
B.S., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Babette Strassburg
Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., M.S., Daemen College
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2011-12
John Strong
Associate Professor, Health and Physical Education
B.S., Canisius College
M.S., Walden University
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2012-13
Seana Sullivan
Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts
A.A., Niagara County Community College
B.S., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Marissa Surdyke
Associate Professor, Communications
B.A., SUNY at Oswego
M.A., Texas State University at San Marcos
Yvonne Szymanski
Professor, Biology
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2010-11
Christina Taylor
Associate Professor, Psychology
B.A., Niagara University
M.A., University of North Carolina
Eric Thomas
Instructor, English
B.A., Creighton University
M.A., University of Missouri
Ph.D., University of Illinois
Donald Topolski
Professor, Computer Science
B.S., SUNY at Binghamton
M.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Lori Townsend
Professor, Office Technology
A.A.S., Erie Community College
B.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
M.B.A., Niagara University
M.S., SUNY at Albany
Mark Voisinet
Professor, Drafting Technology
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology
M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Joshua Wagner
Instructor, Music
B.M., SUNY College at Buffalo
M.M., Eastman School of Music
Deborah Wyzykiewicz
Professor, Physical Therapy
B.S., B.A., M.S., SUNY at Buffalo
D.P.T., Arcadia University
Henrietta G. Lewis Library
Andrew Aquino
Assistant Professor/Librarian
B.S., Canisius College
M.L.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Jean Linn
Chair, Henrietta G. Lewis Library
Assistant Professor/Librarian
B.A., SUNY at Buffalo
M.L.I.S., Wayne State University
Andrew Yeager
B.S., B.A., SUNY College at Buffalo
M.L.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Technical Assistants
Andrea Adinolfe
Technical Assistant, Student Services
A.S., Monroe Community College
B.S., SUNY at Fredonia
M.A., SUNY College at Buffalo
Josephine Brevetti-Runkle
Technical Assistant, Student Services
B.S., M.S., Niagara University
Nicholas Budniewski
Technical Assistant, Student Services
B.A., SUNY at Purchase
Lucas Butchko
Technical Assistant, Student Services
B.A., SUNY at Fredonia
M.S., SUNY at Buffalo
George Eisenhardt
Technical Assistant, Chemistry
B.A., M.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Dominic Fabrizio
Technical Assistant, Culinary Arts
A.A.S., A.O.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Niagara University
Sabrina Faso
Technical Assistant, Student Services
B.S., SUNY College at Brockport
Glory Fox
Technical Assistant, E-Learning
B.S.Ed.,M.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Dominique Fricano
Technical Assistant, Office of Information Technology
A.S., Niagara County Community College
Elliott Hunt
Technical Assistant, Auditorium
A.A., Niagara County Community College
B.A., SUNY College at Buffalo
Lynn Kozinski
Technical Assistant, Biology
B.S., SUNY at Buffalo
M.S., The Pennsylvania State University
M.B.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Thomas Lamar
Technical Assistant, Student Services
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Canisius College
Jordan Lindsay
Technical Assistant, Student Services
B.S., SUNY Brockport
Melissa A. Lock
Technical Assistant, Student Services
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
M.A., SUNY at Stony Brook
Jeffrey Meister
Technical Assistant, Office of Information Technology
B.A., Berklee College of Music
B.S., M.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Myriah Meyer
Technical Assistant, Culinary Arts
A.A., B.B.A, SUNY Cobleskill
Kathleen Michalski
Technical Assistant, Student Services
A.A.S., Trocaire College
Cassandra Mikulec
Technical Assistant, Student Services
B.S., Niagara University
M.S., SUNY Albany
James Piva
Technical Assistant, Nursing
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
Kaitlyn Schouten
Technical Assistant, Student Services
B.S., Clarion University
M.S., Canisius College
Emily Secord
Technical Assistant, Student Services
B.A., SUNY Geneseo
M.S., SUNY Cortland
Brittany Souliske
Technical Assistant, Student Services
B.A., D’Youville University
Melissa Stolzenburg
Technical Assistant, Student Services
B.S., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Theresa Zayatz
Technical Assistant, Student Services
A.A., Niagara County Community College
B.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Michelle Zych
Technical Assistant, Nursing & Allied Health
A.S., Erie Community College
B.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Non-Ranked Professionals
Hannah Barner
Mental Health Counselor
B.A., Duquesne University
M.S.W., University of Chicago
William Brinson
Coordinator of Multicultural Student Services
A.S., B.S. Hilbert College
Lisa Dubuc
Coordinator of Distance Learning
A.A., Niagara County Community College
B.S., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2010-11
Carrie Dudek
Program Administrator
B.A., Ferris State University
M.B.A., Baker College
Madison Ebsary
Coordinator, Learning Skills Center
A.A., Niagara County Community College
B.A., Niagara University
M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Matthew Gagliardi
Program Administrator, Web Marketing Specialist
A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., Canisius College
Emma Hawke
Program Administrator, Career & Transitional Services
A.A., Niagara County Community College
B.A., M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo
Jessica Heideman
Program Administrator, Student Life
B.S., M.S., SUNY Brockport
Matthew Kozar
Instructional Technology Integration Specialist
A.S., Niagara County Community College
Katherine McDonough-Stoelting
Mental Health Counselor
B.S., SUNY at Albany
M.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Katherine Murphy
Program Administrator, Career & Transitional Services
B.S., M.B.A., Niagara University
Todd Phillips
Network Manager
A.A.S., Niagara County Community College
B.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Julie Schucker
B.A., SUNY at Buffalo
M.S., Southwest Missouri State University
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2021-22
Cheryl Yager
Supervisor, College Nursing Services
B.S., SUNY at Buffalo
M.S., University of Phoenix
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 2020-21
Emeriti Faculty
James Abbondanza
Jean Adjemian
Audrey Agnello
Catherine Ainsworth†
Marian Baumler, Ph.D.
Ernest Robert Baxter†
Olga Bopp†
David Brown
Robert Bucella
Kenneth Burg
Connie Bush†
Ann Catalano
Robert Cinelli, Ed.D.†
Katherine Collard
Joseph Colosi
Irene Costanzo
Laura Damon
Denise David, Ph.D.
Linda DeGain
Kathy Dolce
Paul Dominick
Martin Drake, Ed.D.
Anne Edwards†
Patricia Evans
Martha Faller
Douglas Farley†
Karen Ferington
Paul Ferington
Gerald Fischer
John Fulciniti†
Elizabeth Fulwell
Sandra Gallo
Kathleen Gerbasi, Ph.D.
Catherine Gibbs†
Carolyn Goldberg
Anthony Gullo
Donald Harter
Raymond Harvey†
Kenneth Hennig, Ph. D.
Carol Henschel, Ph.D.
Brenda Horanburg
Donald House
Theresa Hulub
Carol Jamieson†
Lloyd Jones †
Paul Kankolenski
Meredith Kellogg†
James Kimbrough†
Sophie Knab
Eric Knuutila
Wallace Kramer
Lawrence Law†
Roger Lehman†+
Kyle LoConti
Samuel Loliger†
John Marohn
Marvin Maziarz
Gail McCarthy†
Teresa McGlennon
Bryce McMichael
Kathleen McWhorter, Ed.D.
Cynthia Meyers
James Mezhir
Janet Michalak, Ed.D.
Graham Millar†
Eugene Miller†
John Mooney
James Murphy, Ph.D
Marguerite Newton
Edward O’Keefe
Robert Olans
Dorothy Oldham-Bonner †
Catherine Peuquet
Paul Power†
Colleen Quast
Ralph Race†
N. Landon Ray, D.D.S.†
Kenneth Raymond†
Gerard Reinagel *
Jerry J. Repetski, Ph.D.†
Samuel Richbart†
Carol Riniolo
Eleanor Robinson†
Carol Rogers, Ph.D.
Barbara Rowe
Michael Ryan
Graham Salter†
Peter Schwartzott
Paul Seland
Judith Serbacki †
Deborah Sorrentino
Roy Sommer †
Alan Stafford
Donald Stellrecht †
Stephen Stepus, Ph. D.†
Rosemary Sweetman
Catherine Tallady†
Norman Tederous
David Tobin
Tim Tomsen
Gail Tylec
Clyde Tyson
Edward Voetsch, Ph.D.
Donald Voisinet
Brenda Webb †
Elizabeth Weston
Patricia Willie
Henry Wollenberg †
Pascal Zanzano
† Deceased
Award Winners
State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence
Laurence R. Plant*
Dorothy Oldham-Bonner* †
Gene Carella*
Bryce McMichael*
Carol Jamieson, Ph.D.†
James Mezhir
Gail Bolster*
Marilyn Reagle*
Larry Bolster*
Barbara Higgins, Ph.D.†
Roger V. Wright*
Janet Michalak, Ed.D.*
Ann Catalano*
Dorothy Harnish
Denise David, Ph.D.*
Catherine Gibbs*†
Catherine LoCascio*
Philip Haseley, Ph.D.
Nancy Knechtel
Anthony S. Gullo*
Rose Ann Roberts*
Angela Parker, Ph.D.*
Emily Chapman*†
Patricia Evans*
Graham Salter*†
Monica Pullano*
Patricia Wille*
Connie Bush †
Elizabeth Fulwell*
Robert Warner
Carolyn Cianciosa*†
Katherine Collard*
Thomas Schwartz
Robert Morris
James Mittlestaedt †
Alan Stafford*
Kimberly Buerger
Marian Baumler, Ph.D.*
Donald House*
Jatender Jhooty*
Marilyn Brennan*
Cathy Peuquet*
Deborah Sorrentino
Michael Pikus, Ph.D.
David Tobin*
David Yaksich*
Bryce McMichael*
Paul Ferington*
Elizabeth Sachs, Ph.D.
Thomas M. McCully, Ph.D.*
Suzanne V. Buffamanti, Ph.D.
Gail Tylec
Kathleen Gerbasi, Ph.D
Julie Woodworth
Pam Parker*
Yu Liu, Ph.D.
Kyle LoConti
Kathleen Kanouff-Taylor
Matthew Clarcq
Lisa Dubuc
Yvonne Szmanski
Gretchen Mittelstaedt
Audrey Agnello
Babette Strassburg
Cynthia Drew*
Jennifer Allen
Barbara Buckman
Gemma Fournier
David Milazzo
John Strong
Carol Lewis
Lillian Passanese*†
Marc Pietrzykowski
Constance Fritschi
Cherie Mavissakalian
Estelle Steiner
Leslie Saunders
Cheri Dunn
Alissa Shugats-Cummings
Wendy Warchocki
Kathleen Gerbasi, Ph.D.
Lindsey Rose, Ph.D.
Diane Sweet
Rebekah Keaton, Ph.D.
Maureen Winters
Cheryl Yager
Donna Simiele
David Huntoon
Colleen Osborn
Julie Schucker
Sheila Harris |
Carolyn Stanko |
Kathryn Class |
Donald Fisher, Ph.D. |
National Academic Advising Association
Paul Ferington*
Patricia Evans*
Clyde Tyson*
Carl Heintz †
Alex Greenberg*
Carol Rinolo*
Carol Henschel*
Laurie Ryan
James Mittelstaedt †
President’s Award for Excellence in:
Academic Advisement:
Patricia Evans*
Clyde D. Tyson*
David Nemi
Albert Saladino †
Jay Elliott*
Carl Heintz †
Alex Greenberg*
Carol Riniolo*
Carol Henschel*
Joanne Smith
Laurie Ryan
James Mittelstaedt †
Rosalind Baugh*
* Retired
† Deceased
Clerical Support & Auxiliary Services:
Jamie Gotowko†
Shirley R. Simrell*
Mary M. Gephart*
Louise Volpe*
Christopher Hojnacki†
Frederick Skurski*
Barbara Mokhiber†
Patricia Widmer
No Award Given
Linda Hankinson*
Andrew Lawrence
Mary Ann Corieri*
Ann Johnston*
Jeane Kisiel*
Sharon Seland
Lori Andrews
Cynthia Drew*
Sandra Fearby*
Janice Litz
Kathleen Greenfield*
Donna L. Mazzei*
Barbara Brown*
Carol Karp*†
Loretta Crum*
Roseann Zafuto*
Fran Angeletti*
Becky Guarino* †
Gretchen Stellrecht
Jennifer Skorik
Barbara Garis
Gloria Welch*
Debbie Beach
Pamela Parker*
Karen Lyons
Sandra Duncan*
Kathleen Waas
Susan Siegmann
John Cipolla
Michael Sullivan†
Professional Services:
Jane N. Haenle*
Michael W. Kisiel*†
Anne Edwards †
Lorraine Fedrizzi*
Lillian Passanese*†
Carol Jamieson, Ph.D.†
Marilyn Reagle*
Larry Bolster*
Dorothy Harnish, Ed.D.
Catherine Gibbs*†
Anthony S. Gullo*
Emily Chapman*†
Monica Pullano*
Elizabeth Fulwell*
Thomas Schwartz
Jatender Jhooty*
Catherine Peuquet*
David Yaksich*
Bryce McMichael*
Norman D. Tederous*
William Warthling†
Susan Bland, Ph.D.
Samuel E. Richbart*†
Gene Carella*
Salvatore Passanese, Ph.D.†
Irene Costanzo*
Alex Greenberg*
Margaret Laurie*
Bryce McMichael*
Gail Bolster*
James Mezhir
Paul B. Dominick*
Patricia C. Wille*
Barbara Higgins, Ph.D.†
Roger V. Wright*
Ann Catalano*
Janet Michalak, Ed.D.*
Denise David, Ph.D.*
Catherine LoCascio*
Philip Haseley, Ph.D.
Nancy E. Knechtel
Angela Parker, Ph.D.*
Rose Ann Roberts*
Patricia Evans*
Graham Salter*†
Connie Bush †
Robert Warner
Katherine Collard*
Carolyn Cianciosa*†
Alan Stafford*
James Mittlestaedt †
Marian Baumler, Ph.D.*
Donald House*
Marilyn Brennan *
Deborah Sorrentino
Michael Pikus, Ph.D.
David Tobin*
* Retired
† Deceased
Distinguished Alumni
Jean Adjemian ‘67
Floyd F. Amann, Jr. ‘66
Tammy Austin-Ketch ‘90
Richard Avdoian ‘71
Nancy Babis ‘84
Robert Bradley ‘73
Stephen F. Brady ‘75
Kay Brayley ‘75
Deborah Burns ‘78
Penny Cacioppo ‘95
Gene Carella ‘70
Christopher Carlin ‘81
A. Joseph Catalano ‘90
Domenico Cavaiuolo ‘73
**Peter Certo ‘73†
Paul Churder ‘75
Geraldine Cindric ‘92
Rebecca Cindric Tantillo ‘96
Rebecca Cuddahee ‘95
**Angelo DelSignore ‘70
Anthony DeLuke ‘73
Patricia Evans ‘77
Phyllis Floro ‘88
2017 |
Richard Frizzell ‘65
Susan J. Geissler ‘74
Eric L. Gansworth ‘86
Clifton Gibson ‘89
Lessie Hamilton-Rose ‘70
George Helfrich ‘72
Carol Henschel ‘71
Les Kachurek ‘83
Deborah Karp Coder ‘77 & ‘88
Renae Kimble ‘74
Michael LaFever ‘70
Paul Lamont ‘86
Ellen Lathom ‘77
Jamie Marcolini ‘81
Anne Martin-Staple ‘66
George Maziarz ‘75
Teresa McEvoy ‘72
Michael Messina ‘83†
James A. Mezhir ‘68
Richard Mullaney ‘74
David Nemi ‘78
Ernest Palmer ‘85
Salvatore Passanese ‘73 †
William Paterson ‘65
Estelle Pavlock Jurasz ‘75 †
Jennifer Pitarresi ‘83
2017 |
Carmen Presti ‘84
Paul Raczkiewicz ‘65
Peter Robinson ‘91
Joseph Ruffolo ‘76
Richard Sawicki ‘73
Duane Schielke ‘74
Randall Schultz ‘75
Lynne Shuster ‘65
Theresa Silvestre ‘82
Patricia Siola ‘73
Michael Sloma ‘87
Leon Smith ‘65
Patrick Sorge ‘85
Frances Sorge-Dotton ‘70
Charles Steiner ‘70†
Joanne Stanton ‘80
Ellen Swan ‘83
Lilly Taddeo ‘73 †
Virginia Taylor ‘76
Melanie Tisdale ‘75
James Toellner ‘78
2015 |
Robert J. Travis ‘75
Ginger Tucker-Lamb ‘87
John Turner ‘69
Gail Tylec ‘80
Louise Volpe ‘68
Lee Wallace ‘74
Lizabeth Weiss ‘72
Ronald Winkley ‘78
Richard P. Winter ‘74
Ronald J. Winter ‘74
Ronald Zito ‘72, ‘78
† Deceased
**Awarded Posthumously
Curriculum Advisory Committees 2024-2025
Dr. Joseph O’Donnell, Ph.D., CPA, CISA
Canisius College
Buffalo, N.Y. 14208
Doreen Parisse
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Buffalo, N.Y. 14210
Robert Travis, CPA
Chiampou, Travis, Besaw & Kershner LLP
Amherst, N.Y. 14228
Xu Weihong
SUNY at Buffalo
Buffalo, N.Y. 14260
Joseph Winter
Niagara University
Niagara University, N.Y. 14109
Celeste Zuppa
Tonawanda, N.Y. 14151
Animal Management
David Brigham
Buffalo Zoo
Buffalo, N.Y. 14214
Dr. Mark Irwin
Jefferson Community College
Watertown, N.Y. 13601
Lori O’Day
Buffalo Zoo
Buffalo, N.Y. 14214
Carmen Presti
The Primate Sanctuary, Inc.
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14303
Gary Siddall
Aquarium of Niagara
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14301
Lisa Smith
Buffalo Zoo
Buffalo, N.Y. 14214
Dr. Susan W. Margulis
Canisius College
Buffalo, N.Y. 14208
Baking & Pastry Arts/Culinary Arts/Hospitality Management
Kristina Bradshaw
Niagara University College of Hospitality & Tourism Management
Niagara University, N.Y. 14109
Michael Buonopane
Delaware North Companies
Buffalo, N.Y. 14202
Francis DiCamillo, Jr.
DiCamillo Baking Company
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14305
Tina Fago
Erie 1 BOCES
Cheektowaga, N.Y. 14225
Mark F. Herle
Cheektowaga, N.Y. 14225
Sean Jones
Niagara County Community College Graduate
Cheektowaga, N.Y. 14225
Michael Joseph, CEC
Rich Products
Buffalo, N.Y. 14213
Doreen Matwijkow
Grand Island, N.Y. 14072
Dorothy Morton
Medina, N.Y. 14103
Trish Mullaney
The Dessert Deli
Williamsville, N.Y. 14221
Ana Lee Palmer
Niagara County Community College Student
Orchard Park, N.Y. 14127
Marc Papaj
Seneca Gaming Corporation
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14303
Joseph Piazza, CEC
The Country Club of Buffalo
Williamsville, N.Y. 14221
Drew Quigley
Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14303
Brian Sterner
Delaware North Companies
Buffalo, N.Y. 14202
Jacob Strawser
Billy Club Restaurant
Buffalo, N.Y. 14201
Dr. Lori Till
Buffalo State College
Buffalo, N.Y. 14222
Sarah Wyzykiewicz
Hyatt Place
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14303
Shea Zappia
Elma, N.Y. 14059
Business: Business Administration/Business Management
John Butcher
Summit Print & Mail, LLC
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
Diane Dittmar
University of Buffalo
Buffalo, N.Y. 14260
John L. Lomeo
The Hospice & Palliative Care Group
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
James V. Renda
North Tonawanda, N.Y. 14120
Dr. Arup K. Sen
D’Youville College
Buffalo, N.Y. 14201
Jeffrey J. Streb
Ingram Micro
Williamsville, N.Y. 14221
Myriam Witkowski
Niagara University
Niagara University, N.Y. 14109
Computer Science/Computer Information Systems
Carl Alphonce
SUNY at Buffalo
Buffalo, N.Y. 14260
Dr. Sarbani Banerjee
Buffalo State College
Buffalo, N.Y. 14222
Dr. Petter Lovaas
Niagara University
Niagara University, N.Y. 14109
Wayne E. Seguin
Division by Zero, LLC
North Tonawanda, N.Y. 14120
Criminal Justice
Thomas Beilein
Appleton, N.Y. 14008
Bryan DalPorto
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14305
Anthony SanGiacomo
United States Probation Office
Buffalo, N.Y. 14020
Judge Mark Anthony Violante
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14305
Judge Diane Vitello
Niagara Falls City Court
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14305
Digital Media/Public Communications/Animation
Chris Buryta
Amherst, N.Y. 14228
Carol A. Doggett
Mental Health Advocates of WNY
Buffalo, N.Y. 14209
Terry Fisher
Full Circle Studios
Buffalo, N.Y. 14202
Sarah Galasso
Canisius College
Buffalo, N.Y. 14208
Sara Harvey
Destination Niagara USA
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14303
Michelle LeFauve
Orleans-Niagara BOCES
Sanborn, N.Y. 14132
Jennifer Manning
Orleans-Niagara BOCES
Sanborn, N.Y. 14132
Scott Sackett
Skipping Stone Pictures, inc.
East Amherst, N.Y. 14051
Zachary Specht
Buffalo Bills
Hamburg, N.Y. 14075
Health Studies
Timothy Harvey
Niagara County Community College
Sanborn, N.Y. 14132
Jamie Lepsch
Wilson Central School District
Wilson, N.Y. 14172
Jonathan Lindner, Ed.D.,
Buffalo State College
Buffalo, N.Y. 14222
Jennifer MacNeil
North Tonawanda High School
North Tonawanda, N.Y. 14120
Marissa Martin
North Tonawanda, N.Y. 14120
Kaitlyn McNally
Niagara County Community College
Sanborn, N.Y. 14132
Lisa Trapasso
Orleans/Niagara BOCES
Sanborn, N.Y. 14132
Marie Wixner
Jewish Community Center of Greater Buffalo
Getzville, N.Y. 14068
John Farfaglia
Niagara County Cooperative Extension
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
Diana Marsh
Menne Garden Artistry
North Tonawanda, N.Y. 14120
Thomas Mitchell
Mitchell Landscaping
Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150
Roger Restorff
Restorff’s Landscape Service
Buffalo, N.Y. 14216
Timothy Richley
Draves Tree and Landscape
Darien Center, N.Y. 14040
Human Services/Disability Studies/
Chemical Dependency Counseling/Early Childhood Studies
Caleb Gaudy, MSW
Niagara Hospice
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
Nancy Green
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14303
Meg Healy
Horizon Health Services
Buffalo, N.Y. 14216
Laurie Johnston-Stickney
Niagara Hospice
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
Morgan King
Cazenovia Recovery Systems
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14303
Patrick Mackenna
Fresenius Kabi
Grand Island, N.Y. 14072
Kateri Millar
Altamont House
Buffalo, N.Y. 14215
Judith Ogden
Northgate Health Care Facility
North Tonawanda, N.Y. 14120
Leadlay Ogden
Suburban Adult Services
Elma, N.Y. 14059
Melinda Richards
Recovery Center of Niagara
Newfane, N.Y. 14108
Douglas Russo
Orleans/Niagara BOCES
Medina, N.Y. 14103
Massage Therapy
Tanya M. Baker-Grieco, LMT
UBMD Orthopedics
Buffalo, N.Y. 14226
Nancy McKay, LMT
Lewiston, N.Y. 14092
Krystal Lee Rivers
Total Body Wellness and Chiropractic
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
Cassandra Schumacher, LMT
Niagara County Community College
Sanborn, N.Y. 14132
Christy Swiatkowski, LMT
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14303
Deborah Wyzykiewicz
Niagara County Community College
Sanborn, N.Y. 14132
Medical Assistant
Bobbie Lynn Binner
Associated Physicians of WNY
Buffalo, N.Y. 14215
Joseph M. Genau, DPM
Evergreen Health
Cheektowaga, N.Y. 14225
Thomas R. Gerbasi, MD
Lewiston, N.Y. 14092
Sara Leaderstorf
North Tonawanda, N.Y. 14120
Tyler McKeown
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
Alicen Wahl
WNY Occupational Health
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14301
Sarah Wisniewski
Clarence Center, N.Y. 14032
Janet Ligammari, RN
Niagara Hospice
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
Tracey Mason, CNO
Western New York Childrens’ Psychiatric Center
West Seneca, N.Y. 14224
Colleen Osborn
Fidelis Care/Centene
Getzville, N.Y. 14068
JoAnn Pellegrino
Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14301
Personal Training
Brian Meisenburg
Applied Fitness
Williamsville, N.Y. 14221
Leah Panek-Shirley, Ph.D.
Buffalo State University
Buffalo, N.Y. 14222
Anthony Surace
Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14301
Jane Wright
Kenton Career Center
Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150
Radiologic Technology
Cheryl Austin
Erie County Medical Center
Buffalo, N.Y. 14215
Katherine Bolognese-Gress
Monroe Community College
Rochester, N.Y. 14623
Jeanine Cheers
Mount St. Mary’s Hospital
Lewiston, N.Y. 14092
Deborah Clark
UBMD Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Amherst, N.Y. 14226
Laurie Fuller
Windsong Radiology
Williamsville, N.Y. 14221
Matthew Machtel
Buffalo, N.Y. 14227
Lorie Mariano
Buffalo General Medical Center/Gates Vascular Institute
Buffalo, N.Y. 14203
Cynthia Meyers
Professor Emeritus
Akron, N.Y. 14001
Nicole Monte, RT
Excelsior Orthopaedics
Amherts, N.Y. 14226
Margaret Morgan-Hise
Wyoming County Community Health System
Warsaw, N.Y. 14569
Chris Mullen
United Memorial Medical Center
Batavia, N.Y. 14020
Bill Muth
Excelsior Orthopaedics
Amherst, N.Y. 14226
Christine Ophals, RT
Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital
Williamsville, N.Y. 14221
Peter Sanders
Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14301
Akos M. Tibold, MS, DABR
Milligray & Associates
Marilla, N.Y. 14102
Sport Management
Michael Gentile
Niagara University
Niagara University, N.Y. 14109
Rich Jacob
Medaille College
Buffalo, N.Y. 14214
Dr. Rachel Madsen
Niagara University
Niagara University, N.Y. 14109
Shawn Reilly
Rockland Boulders
Pomona, N.Y. 10970
Surgical Technology
Dr. Kevin S. Berman
Mount St. Mary’s Hospital
Lewiston, N.Y. 14092
Lynda Celeste CST
Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14301
Dr. Anne Marie Davis
Sisters of Charity Hospital
Buffalo, N.Y. 14214
Ryan Dickman
Cheektowaga, N.Y. 14227
Mark J. Johnson
Orchard Park, N.Y. 14217
Richard Loucks
Mount St. Mary’s Hospital
Lewiston, N.Y. 14092
Karmell Macoretta CRNFA, CNOR
Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14301
Patricia Mascaro
Senior Advocates
North Tonawanda, N.Y. 14120
Emily Runions
Sisters of Charity Hospital
Buffalo, N.Y. 14214
James Turner RN
Buffalo, N.Y. 14215
Technology & Skilled Trades
John Bender
Bender’s Technical Detailing, Inc.
Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150
Kenneth Campbell
Linde Engineering
Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150
Harry Carlson
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
Paul Laubacker
Voss Manufacturing, Inc.
Sanborn, N.Y. 14132
Brian Sullivan
RJ Watson
Alden, N.Y. 14004
Shawn Thompson
McGard, LLC
Orchard Park, N.Y. 14127
Raeni Ware
Hohl Industrial Services, Inc.
Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150
Daniel Yoursett
Voss Manufacturing, Inc.
Sanborn, N.Y. 14132
Theatre Arts
Chris Handley
Alleyway Theatre
Buffalo, N.Y. 14202
Chris Hatch
Hobart and William Smith College
Geneva, N.Y. 14456
Kate LoConti Alcocer
Irish Classical Theatre
Buffalo, N.Y. 14203
Katie Mallinson
D’Youville University
Buffalo, N.Y. 14201
Loraine O’Donnell
The Kavinoky Theatre
Buffalo, N.Y. 14201
Terri Filips Vaughan
Niagara University
Niagara University, N.Y. 14109
Adam Yellen
Jewish Community Center of Greater Buffalo
Amherst, N.Y. 14068
State University of New York
The mission of the state university system shall be to provide to the people of New York educational services of the highest quality, with the broadest possible access, fully representative of all segments of the population in a complete range of academic, professional and vocational postsecondary programs including such additional activities in pursuit of these objectives as are necessary or customary. These services and activities shall be offered through a geographically distributed comprehensive system of diverse campuses which shall have differentiated and designated missions designed to provide a comprehensive program of higher education, to meet the needs of both traditional and non-traditional students and to address local, regional and state needs and goals. In fulfilling this mission, the state university shall exercise care to develop and maintain a balance of its human and physical resources that:
- recognizes the fundamental role of its responsibilities in undergraduate education and provides a full range of graduate and professional education that reflects the opportunity for individual choice and the needs of society;
- establishes tuition which most effectively promotes the university’s access goals;
- encourages and facilitates basic and applied research for the purpose of the creation and dissemination of knowledge vital for continued human, scientific, technological and economic advancement;
- strengthens its educational and research programs in the health sciences through the provision of high quality general comprehensive and specialty health care, broadly accessible at reasonable cost, in its hospitals, clinics and related programs and through networks and joint and cooperative relationships with other health care providers and institutions, including those on a regional basis;
- shares the expertise of the state university with the business, agricultural, governmental, labor and nonprofit sectors of the state through a program of public service for the purpose of enhancing the well-being of the people of the state of New York and in protecting our environmental and marine resources;
- encourage, support and participate through facility planning and projects, personnel policies and programs with local governments, school districts, businesses and civic sectors of host communities regarding the health of local economies and quality of life;
- promotes appropriate program articulation between its state-operated institutions and its community colleges as well as encourages regional networks and cooperative relationships with other educational and cultural institutions for the purpose of better fulfilling its mission of education, research and service.
What is SUNY
SUNY Board of Trustees
Doctoral Granting Institutions
Statutory Colleges
University Colleges
Colleges of Technology
Community Colleges
The History
The nation’s largest comprehensive public university system, The State University of New York (SUNY), was established in 1948. Since its founding, the SUNY system has evolved to meet the changing needs of New York’s students, communities, and workforce. SUNY initially represented a consolidation of 29 unaffiliated institutions, including 11 teachers colleges. All of these colleges, with their unique histories and backgrounds, united for a common goal: To serve New York State.
Today, the system includes 64 schools, a mix of 29 state-operated campuses and five statutory colleges-including research universities, liberal arts colleges, specialized and technical colleges, health science centers, land-grant colleges-and 30 community colleges. These institutions offer programs as varied as ceramics engineering, philosophy, fashion design, optometry, maritime studies, law, medical education, and everything in between. The University also operates hospitals and numerous research institutes.
SUNY is embedded in virtually every community in New York State: Remarkably, 93 percent of New Yorkers live within 15 miles of a SUNY campus, and nearly 100 percent live within 30 miles. In many communities, SUNY is also the region’s largest employer. While SUNY students are predominantly New York State residents, hailing from every one of the state’s 62 counties, the University also draws students from every other state in the United States, the District of Columbia, four U.S. territories, and 160 nations from around the world. One out of three New York State high school graduates choose SUNY, and the total enrollment of nearly 445,000 full-time and part-time students represents 37 percent of New York State’s higher education student population. SUNY also employs 88,000 faculty and staff and counts more than 3 million living alumni, residing in New York State and throughout the world.
SUNY attracts the best and brightest scholars, scientists, artists, and professionals and boasts nationally and internationally recognized faculty in all major disciplines. Faculty are regular recipients of prestigious awards and honors.
The State University of New York is committed to serving as the state’s strongest economic and quality-of-life driver and providing quality education at an affordable price to New Yorkers and students from across the country and the world.
SUNY Board of Trustees
Merryl Tisch, New York City
Vice Chairman:
Cesar Perales, Brooklyn
Joseph Belluck, New York
Courtney Burke, Albany
Eruc Corngold, Brooklyn
Marcos Crespo, Bronx
Robert Duffy, Rochester
Christy Fogal (Faculty Council), Rochester
James Haddon, New York
Jahad Hoyte, Dix Hills
Gwen Kay (Faculty Senate), Syracuse
Eunice A. Lewin, Buffalo
Stanley Litow, New York
Richard Socarides, New York
Edward Spiro, New York
Cary F. Staller, Old Field
Camille Joseph Varlack, Brooklyn
Chancellor’s Cabinet:
Dr. Deborah F. Stanley
Interim Chancellor
Beth Berlin
Chief Operating Officer
F. Shadi Shahedipour-Sandvik
Aaron Gladd
Chief of Staff
Leo Riosales
Vice Chancellor for Communications
Anta Cisse-Green
Senior Vice Chancellor & General Counsel
Cheryl Hamilton
Interim Student Advocate & Executive Director of EOP
Johanna Duncan-Poitier
Senior Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges and the Education Pipeline
Robert Megna
President of Rockefeller Institute of Government and Senior Advisor to the Chancellor
Robert Haelen
Senior Vice Chancellor for Capital Facilities & General Manager of the Construction Fund
Juliana Hernandez-Commisso
Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to the Chancellor
Valerie Dent
Deputy Chief Operating Officer
University Centers & Doctoral Degree Granting Institutions
- Albany (University)
- Alfred University of Ceramics
- Binghamton (University)
- Buffalo (University)
- Cornell College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
- Cornell College of Human Ecology
- Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine
- Cornell College of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Downstate Medical Center
- Environmental Science and Forestry
- Optometry (College)
- Stony Brook (University)
- Polytechnic Institute
- Upstate Medical Center
University Colleges
- Brockport
- Buffalo State
- Cortland
- Empire State
- Fredonia
- Geneseo
- New Paltz
- Old Westbury
- Oneonta
- Oswego
- Plattsburgh
- Potsdam
- Purchase
Colleges of Technology
- Alfred
- Canton
- Cobleskill
- Delhi
- Farmingdale
- Maritime
- MorrisvilIe
Community Colleges
Locally-sponsored, two-year colleges under the program of State University
- Adirondack
- Broome
- Cayuga County
- Clinton
- Columbia-Green
- Corning
- Dutchess
- Erie
- Fashion Institute of Technology
- Finger Lakes
- Fulton-Montgomery
- Genesee
- Herkimer
- Hudson Valley
- Jamestown
- Jefferson
- Mohawk Valley
- Monroe
- Nassau
- Niagara County
- North Country
- Onondaga
- Orange County
- Rockland
- Schenectady County
- Suffolk County
- Sullivan County
- Tompkins-Cortland
- Ulster County
- Westchester