Mar 12, 2025
2025-2026 Student Catalog
List of Approved Electives
Computer Technology Electives
Health/Physical Education Electives
Liberal Arts Electives
- ANI 100 - History of Animation 3 Cr.
- ANI 102 - Scriptwriting & Storyboarding 3 Cr.
- ANI 205 - Character and Production Design 3 Cr.
- ANT 102 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 3 Cr.
- ANT 105 - Introduction Archaeology 3 Cr.
- ANT 149 - Introduction to Linguistics 3 Cr.
- ANT 208 - Monkeys, Apes & Man 3 Cr.
- ANT 212 - Religion: Anthropological View 3 Cr.
- ANT 214 - The Kingdom of the Cults 3 Cr.
- ANT 216 - The Paranormal World: Investigations into Parapsychological Anthropology 3 Cr.
- ANT 220 - Fairy Tales & Folk Tales 3 Cr.
- ANT 230 - Forensic Anthropology 3 Cr.
- ANT 250 - Art, Artist, & Society 3 Cr.
- ANT 360 - Doing Anthropology: An Introduction to Ethnographic Methods 3 Cr.
- ART 100 - Exploring the Arts 3 Cr.
- ART 101 - Art Appreciation 3 Cr.
- ART 102 - Art Non-Majors 3 Cr.
- ART 107 - Visual Literacy 3 Cr.
- ART 123 - American Art 3 Cr.
- ART 137 - Ancient to Gothic Art 3 Cr.
- ART 138 - 14th to 19th Century Art 3 Cr.
- ART 221 - History of Modern Art 3 Cr.
- ART 237 - Contemporary Art History 3 Cr.
- BIO 102 - Introduction to Plant Biology 3 Cr.
- BIO 109 - General Biology I 4 Cr.
- BIO 110 - General Biology II 4 Cr.
- BIO 117 - Human Biology 4 Cr.
- BIO 130 - Ecology Lecture 4 Cr.
- BIO 134 - Animal Behavior 3 Cr.
- BIO 136 - Contemporary Environmental Issues 3 Cr.
- BIO 201 - Botany 4 Cr.
- BIO 202 - Biology of Cannabis 3 Cr.
- BIO 205 - Zoology 4 Cr.
- BIO 207 - Herpetology 3 Cr.
- BIO 208 - Ornithology 3 Cr.
- BIO 209 - Mammalogy 3 Cr.
- BIO 210 - Aquarium Science 3 Cr.
- BIO 213 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 Cr.
- BIO 213L - Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab 1 Cr.
- BIO 214 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II 4 Cr.
- BIO 214L - Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab II 1 Cr.
- BIO 215 - Neuroanatomy and Physiology 3 Cr.
- BIO 221 - Microbiology 4 Cr.
- BIO 230 - Introduction to Soil Science 3 Cr.
- BIO 240 - Biotechniques 4 Cr.
- BIO 246 - Radiation Biology/Protection 2 Cr.
- BIO 250 - Cell Biology 4 Cr.
- BIO 255 - Population Genetics 4 Cr.
- BIO 260 - Life On Earth 3 Cr.
- BUS 229 - Business Communications 3 Cr.
- CHE 100 - Fundamentals of Chemistry 3 Cr.
- CHE 101L - Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab 1 Cr.
- CHE 105 - Chemistry in Pop Culture 3 Cr.
- CHE 111L - General Chemistry I Lab 1 Cr.
- CHE 113L - General Chemistry II Lab 1 Cr.
- CHE 120 - General Chemistry I 4 Cr.
- CHE 121 - General Chemistry II 4 Cr.
- CHE 234 - Organic Chemistry I 4 Cr.
- CHE 235L - Organic Chemistry I Lab 1 Cr.
- CHE 236 - Organic Chemistry II 4 Cr.
- CHE 237L - Organic Chemistry II Lab 1 Cr.
- CIN 112 - Introduction to Narrative Film 3 Cr.
- COM 109 - Visual Communication 3 Cr.
- COM 210 - Intercultural Communication 3 Cr.
- CRJ 101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 Cr.
- CRJ 102 - Criminal Law & Procedures 3 Cr.
- CRJ 201 - Criminology 3 Cr.
- CRJ 203 - Deviant Behavior 3 Cr.
- CRJ 301 - Research Methods 3 Cr.
- DIG 105 - Social Media 3 Cr.
- ECO 101 - Macroeconomics 3 Cr.
- ECO 102 - Microeconomics 3 Cr.
- ECO 213 - Contemporary Economic Issues 3 Cr.
- ECO 220 - Introduction to Economic Crime Investigation 3 Cr.
- ECO 221 - Money and Banking 3 Cr.
- EDU 120 - Disabilities Birth to Adolescence 3 Cr.
- ENG 101 - Writing I 3 Cr.
- ENG 102 - Writing II & Introduction to Literature 3 Cr.
- ENG 103 - Writing for STEM 3 Cr.
- ENG 145 - Journalism I 3 Cr.
- ENG 146 - Journalism II 3 Cr.
- ENG 149 - Introduction to Linguistics I 3 Cr.
- ENG 150-153 - Newspaper Production 1 Cr.
- ENG 205 - Creative Non-Fiction I 3 Cr.
- ENG 206 - Creative Non-Fiction II 3 Cr.
- ENG 229 - Creative Writing I 3 Cr.
- ENG 230 - Creative Writing II 3 Cr.
- ENS 120 - Engineering Data & Applications 3 Cr.
- FRE 101 - Elementary French I 3 Cr.
- FRE 102 - Elementary French II 3 Cr.
- FRE 203 - Intermediate French I 3 Cr.
- FRE 204 - Intermediate French II 3 Cr.
- GEO 101 - Introduction to Geography 3 Cr.
- GEO 103 - World Environment 3 Cr.
- GER 101 - Elementary German I 3 Cr.
- GER 102 - Elementary German II 3 Cr.
- GER 203 - Intermediate German I 3 Cr.
- GER 204 - Intermediate German II 3 Cr.
- HED 205 - Nutrition & Health 3 Cr.
- HIS 101 - Western Civilization I 3 Cr.
- HIS 105 - Western Civilization II 3 Cr.
- HIS 111 - World Civilizations I 3 Cr.
- HIS 112 - World Civilizations II 3 Cr.
- HIS 120 - US to 1865 3 Cr.
- HIS 122 - US Since 1865 3 Cr.
- HIS 150 - American Women’s History 3 Cr.
- HIS 197 - History of Rock Music and Culture 3 Cr.
- HIS 210 - Native American History 3 Cr.
- HIS 225 - Holocausts: From Rome to Rwanda 3 Cr.
- HIS 237 - African American History 3 Cr.
- HIS 266 - China in the Modern World 3 Cr.
- HIS 290 - The American Presidency 3 Cr.
- HIS 295 - American Frontier 3 Cr.
- HRT 101 - Art & History of Horticulture 3 Cr.
- HRT 111 - Floral Design I 3 Cr.
- HRT 160 - Cannabis: Society, Policy, and Compliance 3 Cr.
- HRT 202 - Biology of Cannabis 3 Cr.
- HRT 272 - Landscape Design I 4 Cr.
- HUM 102 - The Gothic Impulse 3 Cr.
- HUS 101 - Introduction Human Services 3 Cr.
- HUS 106 - Poverty, Welfare & Policy 3 Cr.
- HUS 114 - Introduction to Addictions: The Individual & Family 3 Cr.
- HUS 120 - Disabilities: Birth to Adolescence 3 Cr.
- HUS 122 - Disabilities and Aging 3 Cr.
- HUS 123 - The Helping Process 3 Cr.
- HUS 213 - Loss, Grief & Coping 3 Cr.
- ITA 101 - Elementary Italian I 3 Cr.
- ITA 102 - Elementary Italian II 3 Cr.
- JPN 101 - Elementary Japanese I 3 Cr.
- JPN 102 - Elementary Japanese II 3 Cr.
- JRN 145 - Journalism I 3 Cr.
- JRN 146 - Journalism II 3 Cr.
- LIT 205 - Comparative Literature 3 Cr.
- LIT 209 - British Literature from Beowulf to the Restoration 3 Cr.
- LIT 210 - British Literature from the Romantics to Present 3 Cr.
- LIT 211 - Children’s Literature 3 Cr.
- LIT 213 - American Literature to 1865 3 Cr.
- LIT 214 - American Literature Since 1865 3 Cr.
- LIT 216 - Film as Literature 3 Cr.
- LIT 217 - Modern Drama as Literature 3 Cr.
- LIT 218 - Contemporary Novel 3 Cr.
- LIT 222 - Contemporary World Literature 3 Cr.
- LIT 223 - Women in Literature 3 Cr.
- LIT 226 - Science Fiction Literature 3 Cr.
- LIT 231 - African American Literature 3 Cr.
- LIT 233 - Native American Literature 3 Cr.
- LIT 241 - Introduction to Shakespeare 3 Cr.
- LIT 245 - Introduction to Mythology 3 Cr.
- MAT 105 - Mathematics for Consumers 3 Cr.
- MAT 106 - Contemporary Mathematics 3 Cr.
- MAT 109 - Math for Childhood Education II 3 Cr.
- MAT 110 - Intermediate Algebra 4 Cr.
- MAT 111 - Advanced Algebra & Trigonometry 4 Cr.
- MAT 116 - Pre-calculus Mathematics 4 Cr.
- MAT 120 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 4 Cr.
- MAT 121 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 4 Cr.
- MAT 125 - Applied Calculus I 4 Cr.
- MAT 164 - Introduction to Statistics 3 Cr.
- MAT 222 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry III 4 Cr.
- MAT 223 - Differential Equations 4 Cr.
- MAT 230 - Discrete Mathematics 4 Cr.
- MAT 255 - Linear Algebra 3 Cr.
- MUS 100 - Exploring the Arts 3 Cr.
- MUS 101 - Music Appreciation 3 Cr.
- MUS 102 - Foundations of Music Theory 3 Cr.
- MUS 117 - Music History & Repertoire I 3 Cr.
- MUS 118 - Music History & Repertoire II 3 Cr.
- MUS 133 - American Popular Music 3 Cr.
- MUS 197 - History of Rock Music and Culture 3 Cr.
- PHI 149 - Introduction to Philosophy 3 Cr.
- PHI 153 - Ethics: Morality, Law and Politics 3 Cr.
- PHI 155 - Political Philosophy: Community, Culture and State Power 3 Cr.
- PHI 165 - Philosophy of Art, Beauty and Creativity 3 Cr.
- PHI 169 - Philosophy of Religion 3 Cr.
- PHS 101 - Introduction Physical Science 4 Cr.
- PHY 112 - Our Solar System 1 Cr.
- PHY 113 - The Universe 1 Cr.
- PHY 114 - Extraterrestrial Life 1 Cr.
- PHY 116 - Cosmos 3 Cr.
- PHY 131 - General Physics I 4 Cr.
- PHY 132 - General Physics II 4 Cr.
- PHY 152 - Wave Motion, Heat and Light 4 Cr.
- PHY 171 - Calculus-Based Physics and Mechanics 4 Cr.
- PHY 172 - Calculus-Based Physics II 4 Cr.
- PSC 101 - American Government 3 Cr.
- PSC 102 - International Politics 3 Cr.
- PSC 103 - State and Local Government 3 Cr.
- PSY 100 - Psychology of Success 3 Cr.
- PSY 110 - Introduction to Psychology 3 Cr.
- PSY 111 - Advanced Introduction to Psychology 3 Cr.
- PSY 210 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology 3 Cr.
- PSY 220 - Child Development 3 Cr.
- PSY 240 - Social Psychology 3 Cr.
- PSY 250 - Abnormal Psychology 3 Cr.
- PSY 255 - Methods of Scientific Inquiry 3 Cr.
- PSY 290 - Biopsychology 3 Cr.
- SLA 101 - American Sign Language I 3 Cr.
- SLA 102 - American Sign Language II 3 Cr.
- SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology 3 Cr.
- SOC 203 - Social Problems 3 Cr.
- SOC 260 - Sociology of the Family 3 Cr.
- SOC 261 - Gender and Society 3 Cr.
- SOC 270 - Community Studies 3 Cr.
- SPA 101 - Elementary Spanish I 3 Cr.
- SPA 102 - Elementary Spanish II 3 Cr.
- SPA 203 - Intermediate Spanish I 3 Cr.
- SPA 204 - Intermediate Spanish II 3 Cr.
- SPE 101 - Foundations of Communication 3 Cr.
- SPE 102 - Public Speaking 3 Cr.
- SPE 103 - Interpersonal Communication 3 Cr.
- SSC 111 - Gender, Sexuality and Culture 3 Cr.
- THA 100 - Exploring the Arts 3 Cr.
- THA 105 - Acting I 3 Cr.
- THA 106 - Acting II 3 Cr.
- THA 110 - Black Drama and Film 3 Cr.
- THA 113 - History of the Theatre 3 Cr.
- THA 117 - An Introduction to Theatre 3 Cr.
- THA 208 - Script Analysis 3 Cr.