Detailed information on academic policies, procedures, grades, graduation requirements, study abroad, retention, status of our past graduates and the co-curricular, extra-curricular and special services provided to students
Academic Policies
The identity of SUNY Niagara is found in the closeness of faculty-student relations. Course and curriculum objectives are defined by the faculty with consideration of the interests and abilities of students. Faculty members help students to recognize interests and to achieve individual goals. The following policies and regulations are designed to assist students in meeting these goals and to maintain high standards and quality of instruction.
Course Cancellation Policy
SUNY Niagara fully expects to offer all courses as advertised each semester. While every effort is made to offer all courses, at times conditions exist which may prevent the offering of a particular course or courses. Such conditions include, but are not limited to:
- Insufficient student enrollment;
- Lack of a qualified faculty member;
- Lack of an appropriate facility;
- Lack of financial resources.
If no other day or evening, on-campus or off-campus section of a cancelled course is available, the college will make every effort to help students who have registered for the cancelled courses, to enroll in an alternative course which will meet graduation requirements.
The college does not guarantee course alternatives solely on the basis of student convenience or preference.
Academic Integrity Policy
Honest participation in academic endeavors fosters an environment in which optimal learning can take place and is consistent with the mission of SUNY Niagara. Academic misconduct is destructive to the spirit of an educational environment and, therefore, cannot be condoned.
The following definitions will apply:
- The term “cheating” includes, but is not limited to, using or providing unauthorized assistance, including the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, in taking quizzes, tests, examinations, or assignments; dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems or carrying out other assignments; the acquisition without permission of tests or other academic materials belonging to a member of the college’s faculty. Employing any individual other than the named registrant for a course to take that course in place of the actual registrant, including the evaluations and assignments upon which the course is graded, is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes individuals who are concomitantly enrolled in the course in question.
- The term “plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to, the use by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person or AI tool without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or by an agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.
- The term “academic misconduct” includes any or all forms of the above.
Consistent with the above definitions, the college policy that follows will apply:
- For the first incidence of academic misconduct in a course, the student will receive a grade of F (or zero) for the test, assignment or activity.
- If there is a second incidence in the same course, the student will receive a grade of F for the course.
The instructor who believes that an incidence of academic misconduct has occurred will discuss it immediately with the student. If, in the judgment of the instructor, the student has committed an act of academic misconduct or if the student admits that there has been misconduct, the instructor will assess the appropriate penalty.
Instances of admitted or proven academic misconduct should be reported in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The purpose of this reporting will be to track individuals who have repeated incidences. If such a pattern of behavior is found, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will determine an appropriate sanction on a case-by-case basis. Students who think they have been treated unfairly may invoke the Academic Grievance procedure, which is explained in the student code of conduct handbook.
Attendance Policy
The student is expected to be present and on-time for every class in which he/she is registered. The student is responsible for meeting the objectives of each course and for participating in the learning experiences which occur in the classroom. Excessive absences or tardiness by the student may make it impossible for the instructor to assist the student in meeting either, or both, of these criteria. The ability to make-up class work, assignments or examinations is at the discretion of the instructor. Consequently, the instructor may determine that excessive absences or tardiness have made it impossible for the student to complete the course successfully. The instructor will distribute a course syllabus that will outline the attendance policy.
If the student does not attend any classes for the first 20% of a particular course, the student will be reported as non-attending and be withdrawn from that course. A final grade of W will be issued on the academic transcript for the course. If a student is reported as non-attending in ALL classes, a grade of X will be issued for each enrolled course and the student withdrawn from the college. These grades are irrevocable. During the first 85 percent of a course, a student may also initiate a course withdrawal request and a final grade of W will be issued. None of the above situations will adversely affect his/her grade point average. After the 85 percent point, if a student remains registered in a course in which he or she is not attending, the student may earn an F as a final grade.
Regulations require all faculty members to record attendance. The student’s failure to attend class may negatively affect financial aid and/or academic standing. Any student who will be absent from a class or classes for one week or longer should contact the Office of Student Services so that individual instructors may be notified.
A student who plans to participate in intercollegiate athletics may experience a conflict with academic curricular course work. Missing a class, or another requirement such as a field placement, clinical experience or internship because of participation in intercollegiate athletics is not an excused absence. Students who plan to participate in intercollegiate athletics should consult the Absence Due to Participation on an Athletic Team policy below.
Students shall not be penalized for class absences due to unavoidable or legitimate required military obligations not to exceed two (2) weeks or 15% of the course, or unless special permission is granted by the instructor. Instructors must also consider the student’s overall attendance and progress when determining if sufficient attendance/work completed warrants a passing grade. Students are responsible for notifying faculty of such circumstances as far in advance as possible, and for providing documentation to verify the absence. Official notice will be sent to members of the faculty by the Office of Veteran Services upon receipt of documentation. Faculty members are responsible to provide reasonable accommodations or opportunities to make up exams or other course assignments.
Absence Due to Participation on an Athletic Team
Regular class attendance is a precondition to serious intellectual engagement, a goal that SUNY Niagara has established for all of its students. Student athletes representing SUNY Niagara may be unable to attend classes that conflict with authorized competition. In order to ensure an orderly, accurate, and mutually satisfying arrangement regarding class absences, athletic will be alerting the instructors about such absences.
Absence Due to Field Trips
If an instructor arranges a field trip for a class, it is the student’s responsibility, in advance of the trip, to inform the instructors of any classes that will be missed as a result of the field trip. Instructors should try to arrange opportunities for students to make up work missed because of the trip, but the individual student is responsible for completing missed assignments.
Absence Due to Religious Observance
According to Section 224-A of the New York State Education Law: “Any student in an institution of higher education who is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days shall, because of such absences on the particular day or days, be excused from any examination or any study or work requirements. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher learning to make available an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study or work requirements which he or she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his or her availing himself or herself of the provisions of this section.”
Fresh Start Policy
Fresh Start is an appeals procedure that allows a student returning to SUNY Niagara after a prolonged absence to request academic forgiveness of prior cumulative grade point average (GPA). The policy is designed for students who have gained maturity outside of higher education and have demonstrated acceptable academic performance following their return.
The granting of Fresh Start is subject to the following conditions:
- Students must have a complete absence of attendance from SUNY Niagara for a period of three years or more;
- Fresh Start is available after successful completion of the returning semester as a full-time student who has been admitted into a degree/certificate program (matriculated) at SUNY Niagara. Successful completion is defined as passing a minimum of 12-credit hours, earning a minimum term GPA of 2.0. Part-time matriculated students can also be eligible for the Fresh Start Program. In the case of the part-time students, a student’s term GPA must be a minimum of 2.0 for every term after readmission until a minimum of 12 credit hours has been reached.
- Fresh Start affects only those courses taken PRIOR to the three (3) year absence.
- All courses taken in the time period prior to the 3-year break in attendance with a grade of C or better (or S grade) will be carried forward and treated in the same manner as transfer credit showing earned hour ONLY, without grade points and without calculation into GPA. The student may petition the Vice President of Academic Affairs for approval to include a grade of C or better in the GPA calculation if taken prior to the break in attendance.
- Credits from the prior enrollment period of attendance with a grade of C- or lower will no longer be counted as earned credits at SUNY Niagara, will NOT apply to the degree, will not calculate into GPA, and will need to be retaken if applicable to the student’s degree/certificate program.
- All original credits and grades will remain on the permanent SUNY Niagara transcript to reflect an accurate academic history.
- Students may apply for Fresh Start only once during their SUNY Niagara career.
- Fresh Start, once elected, may not be revoked.
- Fresh Start may not be available in all SUNY Niagara programs
Fresh Start is a policy of SUNY Niagara. As such, student should be aware it may not be recognized by outside institutions or for financial aid purposes. Discounting of grades may impact financial aid eligibility. Students are advised to consult with their academic advisor and financial aid prior to election of Fresh Start.
Interested students must submit the Fresh Start Application to Academic Affairs no later than the last day of classes in which the student re-enrolls after the 3-year break in attendance.
Grading System
Students receive final grades at the end of each semester. The following letter grade and grade-point system is used:
Grade Points
Notes (See following paragraphs)
Outstanding Achievement
Above Average Achievement
Below Average Achievement
Minimum Passing Grade
Indicates that a student has attended a course without working for or receiving credit.
Not Reported |
Transfer credit
Course withdrawal
College withdrawal when student officially withdraws during a semester
Change of Grades Policy
Changes to grades may be initiated by the instructor of the class and must be approved by the division chair. Changes to grades may only be initiated by an instructor when the original grade resulted from an error or when the original grade was an Incomplete; such changes may only be made within one calendar year of the original date that the grade was due.
If you find a discrepancy in your grades, you must contact your instructor to resolve your concern. If he/she finds that you merit a change of grade, it is the responsibility of the instructor to file a change of grade form with the Records Office.
Please note that change of grade forms are NOT provided to students.
Minimum Curricular Requirements
While the minimum passing grade is D-, certain curricula may require a minimum grade of C (2.0). Please refer to the individual program requirements.
I Grade - Incomplete
A student who requests an I grade (Incomplete) is required to arrange for completion of course work with his or her instructor. A grade of Incomplete may be given if all of the following conditions are met:
- Student requests the Incomplete grade
- Student has completed the majority of coursework
- Student could not complete the course due to circumstances beyond the student’s control
- Student can complete the work independently
The maximum time for the change of an I grade to a performance grade is determined by the instructor, but shall not exceed one academic year. If no change of grade is made by the instructor prior to the deadline, the I grade will automatically be converted to an F grade. The Records Office will inform the instructor and student of the approach of the one year deadline. Students will be sent notification at the address last known on file. To request an Incomplete grade, the appropriate form titled “Request for Incomplete Grade” must be filed online.
J Grade
A grade of J indicates that a student has attended a course without working for, or receiving, credit. The decision to audit a course is irrevocable.
Auditing Course Policy
Auditing a course allows you to attend a course without working for or receiving credit. The decision to audit a course is made prior to the start of classes and is irrevocable. Please note that audited courses are not eligible for financial aid.
In choosing this option, you must complete the Audit Form at the time of registration, which will be electronically submitted to the Enrollment Center (A-105). All students who choose to audit a class will receive a J grade on their transcript. Full tuition and student activity fee must be paid for audited courses, except by Senior Scholars, age 60 or over.
Senior Scholars
Senior Scholars (age 60 or over) may audit up to 4 credit hours tuition-free each semester if a seat is available in a class you are interested in attending. Separate course-related fees (consumable supplies, textbooks, online learning fees, lab fees, etc…) are the responsibility of the Senior Scholar. Senior Scholars who live in NYS, but outside of Niagara County do not need to provide a Certificate of Residency form. Proof of age is also required for Senior Scholars.
To become a Senior Scholar you must complete a non-matriculated student application. Applications must be received by the semester deadlines listed on the Non-Matriculated Registration webpage. Senior Scholars will be registered by the Enrollment Center one to two business days prior to the start of the semester, depending upon seat availability in the requested course.
NG (Nongradable) Grade
A grade of NG is associated with the lab or clinical component of some courses and does not count in the grade-point average.
NR Grade - Not Reported
A grade of NR is used by the college as a temporary grade when a grade is not reported as of the submission deadline. It does not carry grade points, and, therefore, does not count in the grade point average. Once the earned grade is submitted, it will replace the NR grade on the student’s record.
S/U Grades
A grade of S will indicate satisfactory completion of the course and will receive credit. A grade of U will indicate unsatisfactory completion of the course and will receive no credit. In either instance the grade received will not be used in determining the student’s grade-point average. Students who elect to file for an S/U grade will be ineligible for the Dean’s List.Eligibility requirements for the Dean’s list are detailed in the Academic Honors section of this catalog. The S/U grade option is not available in all courses; an instructor has the option of not allowing the S/U option in a given course. Students should be aware that S/U grades may not transfer to other institutions.
Students enrolled in an associate degree program may elect a maximum of sixteen (16) credit hours to be graded S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory). For students in a certificate program the maximum is eight (8) credit hours. It is recommended that these credit hours be taken outside of the student’s major area of study. The satisfactory grade cutoff point for a given S/U grade is at the discretion of the instructor. Note that the passing grade cutoff point for the traditional grade may differ from the cutoff point for an S/U grade, and that this is also the discretion of the instructor. Students must file a Request for S/U grade with the Records Office before the end of the 13th week of the fall or spring full term semesters, or before 85 percent completion of modular classes, summer classes, or classes offered during the winter intersession. Once this form has been filed, the decision is irreversible. (see Special circumstances for semesters affected by the COVID-19 pandemic below)The satisfactory grade cutoff point for a given S/U Once this form has been filed, the decision is irreversible. (see Special circumstances for semesters affected by the COVID-19 pandemic below)
Some courses are graded only on the S/U grading system. In these cases, the instructor will notify students that this is the only grading system for the course and students do not have to file an S/U form.
T Grade
When courses are accepted for transfer credit from another college, a T will be noted on the transcript where a grade would normally be recorded. The T carries no point value; therefore, it is not considered when calculating the term, degree, or cumulative GPA. However, this grade does carry earned hours. Only courses completed at SUNY Niagara are used in computing a grade-point average.
W Grade - Withdrawal From a Course
To withdraw from a course, a student is required to complete the online Drop or Withdraw from a class form which will identify the course being dropped. The student must complete and submit this form for processing by the published deadlines.
Course withdrawals are permitted through the end of the 13th week of a Fall or Spring (16 week) semester, or before 85 percent completion of modular classes, summer classes, or classes offered during the winter intersession. Please consult the Records Office as there are specific deadlines for deleting a course from the student’s schedule, versus deadlines for issuing W grades. The specific date for filing the Request will be published in the Important Dates document found on the web page. The grade of W will not affect the student’s grade-point average, but may negatively impact the student’s academic standing and/or ability to receive financial aid.
X Grade - Withdrawal From the College
If a student decides to withdraw from all of the courses for which he or she is registered, the student must complete the withdrawl from all classes online form. Before you file the withdrawal form, it is advisable to speak with a success coach in the Student Success Center to explore your options and receive important information.
Students who withdraw from the college receive an X grade for all of their current courses. If any modular courses have been completed, the student will receive the grade earned and the course withdrawal policy/W grades will be applied to all other coursework.
Students who withdraw from Spring or Fall will be withdrawn from all future coursework. Students who withdraw from an optional term such as Winter or Summer can elect to be withdrawn from future coursework.
A grade of X does not affect a student’s grade-point average, but may negatively impact the student’s academic standing and/or ability to receive financial aid.
The student must file the for Withdrawal from the College with the online form before the end of the 13th week of fall or spring full term semesters, or before 85 percent completion of modular classes. Summer classes or classes offered during the winter intersession. The specific date for filing the request will be published in the Student Calendar document found on the web page.
Non-Progress Grades
Grades of F, I, J, U, W and X are non-progress grades and, if excessive, can affect academic standing and/or ability to receive financial aid.
Grade-Point Average
Academic Foundation Course Grading and GPA
Letter grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C- D+, D, D-, F, S and U for foundation courses are followed by an asterisk (*). These grades carry no point value; therefore, they are not considered when calculating the term, degree or cumulative GPA.
Student achievement is measured by the grade-point average (GPA). A student’s grade-point average is calculated and used in different ways. This information is reported on the student’s grade report and the official college transcript.
Term GPA: Includes only semester data. The semester GPA is used to determine eligibility for the Dean’s List and Part-time Honor’s List.
Degree GPA: Includes all courses taken at SUNY Niagara that apply to the student’s current curriculum. Curriculum data is used to determine eligibility for graduation.
Cumulative (Overall) GPA: Includes all credit hours taken at SUNY Niagara. Cumulative data is used by some transfer colleges to determine eligibility for admission.
These academic indices are calculated by dividing the sum of the grade points earned for grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- and F, by the sum of the credit hours carried. Credit hours and grade points for foundation courses, courses in which the student earned a S or U grade, or grades of I, J, NG, T, W and X are not calculated into any GPA.
To compute the term GPA, note the grade points listed in the section entitled “Grading System” for each grade (e.g., A = 4, B+ = 3.3). Multiply the number of points equivalent to the letter grade earned in each course by the number of credit hours for the course to arrive at the grade points earned in each course. Total the grade points earned in all courses taken during the semester. Divide the sum of grade points by the total number of credit hours; the quotient represents the term GPA.
The degree GPA is determined in the same manner as the term GPA, except that all courses that apply to the student’s current curriculum are taken into account. A minimum 2.00 requirement for both degree and overall GPA is required for graduation.
The cumulative GPA is determined in the same manner as the term GPA, except that all courses the student took at SUNY Niagara are taken into account.
SUNY Niagara’s Academic Standing Policy
SUNY Niagara’s academic standards are designed to assist students in achieving their educational goals. The system provides periodic and helpful intervention for students working toward completion of a college degree or certificate. SUNY Niagara students are expected to remain in good academic standing, and the College measures satisfactory academic progress (SAP) at the end of each term (fall, spring, and summer). Overall, students are expected to earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to remain in good academic standing.
Matriculated status and good academic standing are granted at the time a student is accepted into an approved curriculum. In order to maintain matriculated status, a student must meet the academic policies as follows. Failure to meet the required standards will result in loss of matriculated status. Please note that Academic Notice does not affect matriculation. Academic Dismissal will result in loss of matriculated status.
Academic Notice
Students who do not achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 will be placed on Academic Notice. Being on Academic Notice limits students to a maximum of 15 credits per semester. Students will also be required to participate in the Rebound Program for a minimum of 10 hours during the semester. For additional details on the services ACE offers and meeting the 10 hour requirement, please click here. Students will be removed from Academic Notice and returned to good academic standing once they have achieved all of the following:
- A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
- Utilized the services offered by the Rebound Program for a minimum of 10 hours.*
*For students placed on Academic Notice for multiple semesters, hours earned in the Rebound Program from a previous semester will not carry over to another semester. (Students can apply for a waiver to the 15 credit limitation and 10 hour Rebound Program requirement by completing the “Probation Credit CAP/ACE Waiver Form.”)
In addition to the Rebound Program, students on Academic Notice are encouraged to utilize the numerous supportive services available at SUNY Niagara and meet with their advisor to discuss their academic progress. For a list of additional support services (such as The Student Success Center) please click here. Students’ academic standing will be reviewed by the office of Academic Affairs on a semester-by-semester basis.
Academic Dismissal
Academic dismissal is the loss of matriculated status and removal from future courses due to a poor academic record. A student who does not comply with requirements while on Academic Notice may face Academic Dismissal. The Office of Academic Affairs will determine academic dismissal on a case by case basis at the completion of each semester (fall, spring, and summer semesters).
Academic Appeal
Students may request an academic appeal to an academic dismissal through the office of Academic Affairs. The academic appeal is a request to enroll in college as a matriculated student.
- If reinstated as a matriculated student, tutoring and counseling will be required.
- If an appeal is rejected, students can still attend SUNY Niagara and register as non-matriculated students.
- Students who have been academically dismissed and reinstated should contact the financial aid office to discuss their financial aid eligibility.
Academic Requirements for Students Placed in Academic Foundations Course Work
Placement in academic foundations courses is determined by the college placement criteria. Students who score below the SUNY Niagara standard in reading and/or mathematics are required to enroll in the appropriate academic foundations course(s) listed below:
Reading: |
ENG 088 |
Mathematics: |
MAT 012 or MAT 023 |
College policy states that students are encouraged to enroll in foundations courses in their first semester.
- Students placed in both foundations courses should pass at least one after the first attempt or face academic dismissal.
- Students enrolled in one or both foundations courses should pass the foundations course(s) after a maximum of two consecutive attempts or face academic dismissal.
When it is necessary to repeat a foundations course, it should be repeated in the next period of enrollment. Foundations courses are non-credit and are not used to calculate academic standing (attempted hours, earned hours or GPA).
Students are responsible for notifying the College when relocating, or changing contact information such as address, phone, email so that important information can be properly directed. The procedure is noted below:
- Log into Banner Web. Go to the “Personal Information” tab and click on “View/Update Personal Information”. Choose the address type you wish to update (mailing, legal, or both) or choose to update the phone only. Edit any information you wish to change and click update.
Maintaining Financial Aid Eligibility
Federal and State Academic Eligibility
Both federal and state governments require you to meet certain basic academic standards in order to remain eligible for financial assistance. This means you must be aware of two different sets of rules - one for federal aid (PELL, SEOG, Work Study, and Direct Loans) and one for state aid such as TAP and APTS. Failure to meet one or more of the established standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) will make a student ineligible for financial aid.
Financial Aid SAP status includes all previous academic history, even if the student did not receive federal aid. Standards are reviewed at the end of each semester, including summer. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor academic progress and to understand the criteria needed to maintain both federal and state financial aid eligibility. All SUNY Niagara students receiving Federal and State financial aid are subject to SAP evaluation.
Federal Academic Requirements (Federal Pell Grants, Federal Direct Loans, SEOG and Federal Work Study)
In order to maintain eligibility for federal aid a student must meet three academic standards: academic progress, pace, and maximum time frame. Each is described below.
1. Academic Program (GPA)
Academic progress is measured by a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA). A student must demonstrate academic achievement by meeting the College’s Standard of Academic Progress.
2. Pace (completion of credits attempted)
In addition to meeting the college’s standards of academic progress, students must also demonstrate progress by accumulating credits toward a degree or certificate according to the time frames noted in the charts below.
3. Maximum Time Frame (Must complete degree within certain period of time)
Federal financial aid regulations require that students complete their program of study within a maximum time frame of 150% of the length of the program.
Federal Academic Standards Policy
In order to maintain your eligibility for Federal Financial Aid, you must:
- Maintain matriculation status based on the college’s Academic Standards Policy outlined in the college catalog
- Successfully pass any required Academic Foundations coursework (this affects your matriculation).
- Complete a reasonable ratio of your total courses registered (excessive non-progress grades of W, I, F, U, X) can affect your academic standing, and …
- Achieve a required minimum grade point average (GPA) and complete 67% of attempted credits each semester (See charts below).
Federal academic progress is measured based on the chart below using credits attempted, credits
earned, and grade point average:

Students determined ineligible for the first time may be granted a “ONE TIME” appeal for one semester and considered on PROBATION status. If the student continues to not meet the federal academic progress standards, that student will lose eligibility for Title IV aid which includes the Pell Grant, SEOG, Stafford Loans, and the Work-Study Program.
Federal Academic Progress Allied Health students:

How Federal Aid Requirements Treat Transfer Credits
Credits transferred into a degree program from another institution are counted in the number of credits attempted and completed.
Failure to Meet Federal Standards
Financial Aid Suspension
The first time a student fails to meet the standards of academic progress of a cumulative GPA and completion rate (PACE), he or she will immediately have their financial aid suspended. A student who is on financial aid suspension for the first time may be grated a “ONE TIME” appeal for one semester and will be considered to be on a probationary status for financial aid. If the student continues not to meet federal academic progress in ANY subsequent semester, the student will lose eligibility for Title IV aid (Pell grant, SEOG, Stafford Loans, Work-Study Program Eligibility) until the student meets all components of federal SAP (pace, cumulative GPA, time frame).
Reinstatement of Eligibility
Federal aid eligibility can be reinstated after a student meets the Standards of Academic Progress mentioned above (both cumulative GPA and credits completed).
Financial Aid Appeals Process
A student who wishes to appeal their SAP status may submit an Academic Eligibility Form for Student Financial Aid with attached documentation of mitigating circumstances (such as death of a relative, injury, illness or other special circumstances) that explain the reason for their academic and pace deficiencies. A committee will review the appeal and, if accepted, the student will receive a one-time financial aid waiver. All appeals will be reviewed within seven business days from the day of the student’s submission. During the appealed semester, a student regains eligibility to receive federal financial aid. Upon conclusion of the semester, a student must again meet the standards of academic progress. If not, a student will lose their eligibility for federal financial aid at SUNY Niagara.
New York State Academic Policy
The following chart shows how many credit hours and the cumulative grade-point average a student must have accumulated to receive a payment of NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) or the Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS) Program in her/his current semester. The chart also shows how many credits a student must have completed with a passing or failing grade during that term before being certified for a future payment.
State Academic Progress is measured based on the chart below using number of TAP payments received to date, credits earned, and grade-point average:
For students accepted into program 2010 or earlier: |
Before being certified for this payment
For Satisfactory Progress
A student must have earned at least this many credit hours
With a grade-point average (GPA) of at least
For Pursuit of a Program of Study
A student must have completed this number of credit hours in the preceding semester.
For students accepted into program 2011 or later: |
Before being certified for this payment
For Satisfactory Progress
A student must have earned at least this many credit hours
With a grade-point average (GPA) of at least
For Pursuit of a Program of Study
A student must have completed this number of credit hours in the preceding semester.
- Students are eligible to apply for a one-time waiver to reinstate their state and federal aid. This one-time waiver applies to any school attended, not just enrollment at SUNY Niagara. Upon receipt of waiver, the financial aid director will review the waiver and either approve or deny the waiver within seven business days.
- APTS awards are considered half-payments and evaluations are prorated based on half-time enrollment.
- Students receiving military tuition benefits from NYS may also be affected by this chart.
Student Outcome Tracking
Students cannot be awarded financial aid for classes that do not count toward their degree or certificate program requirements. If a student is enrolled in courses that do not count toward his or her degree, those courses cannot be used to determine aid eligibility. All registered courses must apply to the student’s program as a general education requirement, a major requirement or elective (whether restricted or free elective) or remedial.
Students who repeat courses they have taken previously either at SUNY Niagara or another institution and received a passing grade may impact both federal and state aid programs (To maintain full-time status for financial aid, a student’s coursework must be at least 12 credits without the repeated class). An exception may be made for state aid if the student did not meet the minimum grade requirement for that class for graduation.
Federal Aid, including student loans, will pay for a student to repeat a passed course only once. State aid (TAP) will only pay for a repeated course once, but only if it is required to have a higher grade for graduation in the student’s particular degree program.
If a student’s program does not require them to earn a higher grade for graduation, but the student is being advised to repeat coursework for academic reasons, it may be advisable for the student to be enrolled in at least 12 credits of new coursework (in addition any repeated courses) in order to maintain his/her full-time status.
A general misconception is that a student must be full time in order to receive financial assistance. That is incorrect. Students may be eligible to receive financial aid based on the following credit hour requirements:
· Federal Pell grant: 1-12 or more credits
· Federal SEOG: 1-12 or more credits
· New York State TAP: 12 or more credits
· New York State Aid for Part Time Study: 1 -11 credits
· Federal Direct Loans (Student and Parent): 6 or more credits
Academic Grievance Policy
As a public higher education institution, SUNY Niagara shall afford each student due process regarding an academic concern. As it is difficult to indicate the specific type of concern for which a student could legitimately institute an academic grievance, each concern shall be handled on an individual basis. All students are entitled to fair treatment.
No adverse action shall be taken against a student for filing a complaint about an academic concern.
See the SUNY Niagara Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for the entire Academic Grievance policy and procedure.
Policies Related to Academic Standards
Course Load Limitation
Course load limitations are as follows:
Fall or Spring |
18 credit hours |
Summer |
12 credit hours |
Winter |
6 credit hours |
A student must obtain permission from the academic advisor or the division chair if they wish to take more than 18 credit hours in fall or spring. If a student wishes to take more than 21 credit hours in fall or spring, or above the limitation in summer or winter, permission must be granted from both the academic advisor and the division chair. Students with a cumulative grade-point average less than 2.5 will not be permitted to exceed 21 credit hours.
Course Prerequisite Enrollment Policy
SUNY Niagara reserves the right to deregister any student from a course for which he/she does not meet the necessary course prerequisites. Issues of safety, irrespective of satisfactorily meeting prerequisites, may also mandate a student’s de-registration from a course. The college will make every attempt to find a suitable replacement course, PROVIDED there is sufficient evidence that subsequent enrollment will constitute a successful academic experience.
Repeat Course Policy
Students may repeat a course in an attempt to improve their grade. All grades will appear on the transcript.
The most recent grade recorded will be the official grade earned, whether it is higher or lower than the original grade, and will be the grade used to compute the degree and cumulative grade-point average. NOTE: A U grade may not replace an F grade.
However, if a student earns a failing grade (F or U grade) in the repeated attempt, the student may petition the Vice President of Academic Affairs for approval to restore an original performance grade. This action must be initiated by the student in a letter of request prior to the end of the subsequent semester. If the most recent grade is a nonprogress grade (I, J, X, or W grade), the original grade will be used in grade point calculations. All original grades will remain on the transcript even if the student withdraws or fails to complete the repeated course (I, X, or W grade).
Students who elect to transfer should be aware that the transfer institution may not accept the repeated grade.
While a student may repeat a course at another college, only a course taken at SUNY Niagara will be used to compute the SUNY Niagara grade-point average (GPA). Courses repeated after graduation will not change the degree GPA achieved at graduation.
Students who elect to repeat a course for which credit has already been earned should be aware of the financial aid implications. Students should discuss their situation with the Financial Aid Office regarding the consequences as they pertain to the financial aid rules currently in effect.
Students in the the practial nursing, radiologic technology, and surgical technology programs may be required to repeat a biology, and/or major core course(s) in which they earned an A through C grade more than five years before enrolling in a subsequent course. See the appropriate major page in this catalog for the Five-Year Course Policy for nursing, practical nursing, radiologic technology, or surgical technology.
Substitution of Course
Under certain circumstances, a student may be granted a course substitution for a required course. When a student does receive such a substitution, he/she must take a different course to fulfill the minimum number of credit hours required for his/her curriculum. The substitution does not reduce the credit hours required for graduation but changes the specific distribution of the hours in the curriculum affected by the request.
A student who has reason to request a substitution of a course should initiate a request with his/her academic advisor. The advisor can obtain an electronic substitution request form from the Records Office. The request must be approved by the coordinator of the program in which the student is enrolled and the division chair overseeing the course that would be replaced by the substituted course. The Records Office will only accept course substitution waivers electronically via issued email accounts.
Transfer Credit Policy
A maximum number of transfer credits awarded cannot exceed one-half (50 percent) of the total credits required for a certificate or degree program. Only credits from regionally and nationally accredited colleges and programs are acceptable. For commonly transferred courses, visit our website’s course equivalency guide. Transfer credits will be evaluated upon matriculation (acceptance) into a program.
It is the responsibility of the student to:
- Contact the Records’ Office at each college where he/she has earned credits to have a transcript sent for evaluation of course work that may apply to the program at SUNY Niagara.
- Request that an official transcript be sent to the Admissions Office at SUNY Niagara.
Transfer credit will be granted when a course applies to the certificate or degree program at SUNY Niagara. Please note:
- Only courses with a grade of C (2.0) or above are eligible for transfer. Grades of C-, D+, D, D-, F, or U will not be accepted. Courses with a grade of S (Satisfactory) may be accepted, except in certain allied health programs, or for “major” courses in some programs.
- College credits are evaluated based on applicability to the degree major. If your major is changed after arriving at SUNY Niagara, transfer credits will be re-evaluated based on the new major.
- When a course is accepted for transfer credit from another college, a grade of “T” will be noted on the transcript and degree evaluation. The “T” grade carries no point value; therefore, it is not considered when calculating the term, degree, or cumulative GPA. Once transfer credit is accepted, it cannot be removed.
- Transfer credits carry “earned hours” only, not GPA hours.
- If a student completes a course at SUNY Niagara for which transfer credit was already accepted, the course credits taken at SUNY Niagara will apply toward the program and be used when calculating the grade point average. If a student earns a failing or nonperformance grade (F, U, I, J, X, or W grade) in the repeated attempt, the original transfer credit awarded can be used to meet the major requirements for graduation, but the SUNY Niagara course will be counted in the grade point average. All grades will remain on the transcript.
- The student will receive written confirmation indicating courses that have been accepted for transfer credit.
- AP (Advanced Placement) transcripts and CLEP (CEEB College Level Examination Program) scores must come directly from College Board. Contact to request an official copy to be sent to SUNY Niagara. Scores of 3 or higher on AP exams in applicable courses are acceptable.
- International Baccalaureate (IB) credit is awarded for courses taken in high school with an HL designation and a score of 4 or higher. An IB transcript must be submitted to receive credit.
- Credits earned through military service as recommended by the American Council on Education Registry are acceptable, as are other military credits, when applicable to the curriculum. Appropriate military documents (DD214, military transcript) must be submitted to receive credit.
- If a student has taken college courses in high school, that student must request an official transcript from the college through which those courses were taken in order for the credit to be evaluated. Students who have completed college courses through SUNY Niagara’s CAP program do not have to file a request for an official transcript from SUNY Niagara.
- Students who have earned credits at a college or university outside of the United States must have credits evaluated by a professional Credential Evaluation Agency. For a fee, these agencies provide professional course by course evaluation of college and university credits. All International college/university transcripts must be sent to a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). This service will evaluate transcripts and provide the American grade and course equivalencies. For more information go to:
- Students who transfer from SUNY Niagara to another college or university without completing degree or certificate requirements will be permitted to transfer credit hours to SUNY Niagara for fulfillment of graduation requirements. A maximum of 50 percent of credits required for a certificate or degree program can be transferred from a regionally or nationally accredited college or university to SUNY Niagara.
- In some programs of study, older coursework may require a secondary review from Program Coordinators to determine if a waiver is applicable.
SUNY Transfer Credit Appeal Process
Students who do not agree with the college’s decision on the granting or placement of credit earned at a prior SUNY institution have the right to submit an appeal to the college’s Transfer Credit Evaluator.
Students requesting an appeal should be prepared to provide reasonable material to support their case, such as the course description or syllabus in question. Contact the Transfer Credit Evaluator in the Records Office to begin the appeals process. If you do not agree with the SUNY Niagara decision, you may appeal to the SUNY system provost at
Credit Hours and Academic Expectations
Success in college requires more independent effort than study in high school. SUNY Niagara, like colleges throughout the country, uses the “Carnegie Unit” as a measure of the amount of effort required per credit hour. For lecture courses, students should expect to spend at least two hours on coursework outside of class for every hour the class meets. A lecture or discussion course that meets one hour per week for a semester carries one credit hour. In laboratory and studio courses and other learning experiences which require less outside study, students need to spend two to three hours in class to receive one credit.
When students are planning their schedules for registration, those who have extensive responsibilities such as a job or a family should consider the time required to be successful in their courses. Students may have a more rewarding learning experience by, for example, enrolling in 12- or 13-credit hours for five semesters than 15- or 16-credit hours for four semesters. By enrolling for an additional semester, students may earn better grades, which may be viewed favorably by potential employers and by officials at transfer colleges.
Academic Services
Henrietta G. Lewis Library
As an academic division of SUNY Niagara, the Henrietta G. Lewis Library connects with students, faculty, and the community to promote critical thinking and information literacy, utilizing authoritative resources in an inclusive environment. The entrance to the Lewis Library at SUNY Niagara is located on the 2nd floor of the Learning Commons. The library website serves as a portal to access millions of scholarly research sources through the databases and catalog. Interlibrary loan services allow for lending across SUNY institutions and other library networks nationwide. Librarians offer research assistance anytime the Library is open. There is a flexible schedule during the fall and spring semesters with evening and weekend hours. An online library chat service is available all day, every day for research help. The Library has three floors of study spaces, including computer stations and bookable study rooms. There is an instructional classroom, where courses can be scheduled with a librarian.
The SUNY Niagara Academic Center for Excellence provides free individual and small group tutoring services. To make an appointment with a tutor or to apply to become a tutor, visit the SUNY Niagara Academic Center for Excellence web page (see Academic Support tab / ACE Tutoring Services) or visit the Academic Center for Excellence within the Library on the second floor of the Learning Commons. Tutoring services are designed to provide a supportive learning environment, instill confidence, and encourage independence as learners.
Student tutors must attend a training session and will be paid an hourly wage for their service. All tutors must meet the minimum qualifications (see website for details) and be recommended by an instructor.
Applied Learning
Applied learning is an educational approach whereby students learn by engaging in direct application of skills, theories and models. Students apply knowledge and skills gained from traditional classroom learning to hands-on activities, creative projects or independent or directed research, and in turn apply what is gained from the applied experience to academic learning. The applied learning activity can occur outside of the traditional classroom experience and/or be embedded as part of a course. All manner of experiences can be considered applied learning activities if, and only if, they meet the criteria listed. When applied learning is embedded in a course, these criteria refer to the activity rather than the course as a whole. Regardless of the activity, both the experience and the learning are fundamental. Students should be aware that this is not credit for prior learning.
Applied Learning Categories:
Internship: A form of applied or experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in professional or community settings. Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers/community partners the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent. (adapted from
Clinical Placement: A formal experience that provides students the opportunity to rotate through a variety of health care agencies with faculty supervision focusing on the health care field, with individual patients or groups reflecting diverse settings, across the lifespan. Emphasis is on mastering theoretical concepts, improving skill competency, and developing clinical reasoning skills with a focus on evidence-based practice.
Practicum: A period of practical experience undertaken in academic, professional or community settings/agencies/organizations as part of an academic course. This approach is grounded in application and practice of theoretical/technical concepts/skills and cultural competency relevant to the course or to a profession.
Service Learning: A credit-bearing educational strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience and strengthen communities.
Community Service: A volunteer and community service performed by students for community benefit. This service can be, but is not necessarily integrated with a particular program of study. This may include structured projects (days of service), smaller group projects, fund-raising events, or individual volunteerism, which is acknowledged by the campus.
Civic Engagement: A teaching and learning focus on educating students as global citizens. Classes or programs include meaningful civic education and activities for social good. Classes and projects have components of reflection and engagement.
Creative Works: A capstone, sophomore project, performance, or other creative work that occurs as a culminating experience for a student in an accredited class or program.
Field Study: An experience that engages the student in collection of information outside of an experimental or lab setting. This type of data collection is most often conducted in natural settings or environments and can be designed in a variety of ways for various disciplines. May be mentored, self-directed work, or comprise a full course. The projects include inquiry, design, investigation, discovery and application. .
Disney College Program
SUNY Niagara and the Walt Disney World® Resort have partnered to offer you an opportunity of a lifetime! You can join thousands of other college students from around the world to participate in a paid internship at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. And…You can earn SUNY Niagara college credit while learning, earning and living the Disney College Program experience! In addition to the work experience, students can participate in a variety of educational opportunities, such as the program’s Collegiate Courses, Professional Development Series, Disney Exploration Series, and more.
In most cases, these credits count as general or business electives toward graduation requirements. You select the number of credits you wish to take (from 6-12 credits). The Disney College Program Co-Op (6 credits) is required of all students participating in the program; it offers six credits for performing 240 hours of work experience while at the Walt Disney World® Resort in Florida. You should contact your school advisor before registering to make sure these credits are transferable. If you are not a current SUNY Niagara student, please contact us as we may have options available to you.
To learn more specific information about all the program’s components and to apply as well, please visit The application process usually opens in late August for the spring semester and late January for the fall semester. You are encouraged to apply as soon as they start accepting applications.
In addition to receiving college credit from SUNY Niagara, you also may earn a “Ducktorate” degree or certificate of completion from the Disney College Program! For more information, contact Academic Affairs at 716-614-6450.
Study Abroad Opportunities
An important role of higher education is to prepare individuals to interact in a global community. SUNY Niagara is committed to promoting, supporting, and celebrating an international environment at SUNY Niagara. To accomplish this, the college strives to create access to and appreciation for international and cross-cultural experiences, perspectives, initiatives and advocacy.
State University of New York study abroad programs are open to SUNY Niagara students if program requirements are met. Currently, SUNY has more than 500 programs for students wishing a study abroad opportunity. To view the program availability, visit the website.
For more information about study abroad or international education opportunities, contact Academic Affairs at 716-614-6450.
Standard College Equivalency Exams
Credits can be earned through a national “credit by examination” program. The tests are based upon typical courses offered at most colleges. By taking the exam and passing it, a student may bypass actual enrollment in certain courses in his/her major. The examinations stress broad conceptual knowledge rather than factual information. The most popular of the national “credit by examination” programs are the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), a division of Educational Testing Services and Dantes Exams. CLEP exams are offered at the SUNY Niagara Sanborn campus. For more information, call (716) 614-6853 or email For the outlines of the CLEP and Dantes exams and scores that SUNY Niagara accepts, click here.
Advanced Placement
SUNY Niagara accepts credit for Advanced Placement (AP) courses when a student scores three (3) or higher on the Advanced Placement examination. In addition, students need to contact individual departments to learn how their AP credit is applied to a specific program. For example, SUNY Niagara ordinarily awards only elective credit for Advanced Placement courses in art. To be considered for credit for Drawing I, a student must present a portfolio to the SUNY Niagara Art Department.
College Sponsored Challenge Exams
If students feel they already have the knowledge taught in a particular course, they may, in some cases, “challenge” the course. The student meets with the instructor and earns credits by demonstrating, through testing, expertise in the course material. This program is administered by the college and is somewhat flexible; however, courses may not be challenged on demand. Students will receive only S/U grades for challenge examinations (please see S/U policy). A grade of “S” will equate to transfer credit, carrying a grade of “T” and have no impact on the calculations of GPA, counting toward earned hours only. There may also be limitations on the conditions for challenging courses. There is a fee for challenge exams.
This is a written description of what an individual has learned in life or work experiences and how these experiences equate to courses offered at SUNY Niagara. It must include documentation such as certificates, brochures, letters of reference, etc. to support your statements of competency, knowledge, and/or skills. A maximum of 14 credits may be earned through portfolio development. The number of credits students may receive for their portfolio may not exceed the number of credit hours awarded for the equivalent course. Students cannot be enrolled in a course for which they are preparing the portfolio. The portfolio becomes the property of the college. There is a fee for this portfolio evaluation. If the student chooses to develop a portfolio, help is available. The college follows the recommendations of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) to guide in portfolio assessment.
Military Experience
Experience gained in the military, particularly in technical training programs and specialty schools, may also be worth credit. Send Form DD214 to the county clerk to be certified. Two credits in physical education apply to a program. Students may also receive American Council on Education (ACE) credit through experience in the military by applying for the evaluation through the appropriate Armed Forces department. A copy of this evaluation should be sent directly to the Admissions Office for processing, then forwarded to the Transfer Credit Evaluator for review.
Independent Study
Students may take a maximum of 10-credit hours of independent study. The objectives of independent study are (1) to provide an opportunity for the development of closer faculty-student relationships through the exploration of topics of mutual interest, (2) greater academic freedom for the student in the selection of his or her field of study, (3) guidance of the student in areas of knowledge outside of his or her existing curriculum and (4) application of knowledge obtained through traditional study to carefully selected areas of interest outside the classroom. Regular course offerings may not be taken for independent study credit. The proposal for independent study must be submitted by the student on a request form (available in the Office of Academic Affairs) in writing to the division chair for approval. The proposal is the shared responsibility of the instructor and the student. The instructor will be responsible for the academic soundness of the project and evaluation of the student’s performance. Since the purpose of independent study is to extend a student’s knowledge BEYOND the courses which are part of existing curricula, proposals for independent study credit will not be accepted if they duplicate regular course offerings.
Independent study proposals may begin any time during a semester and may conclude at any time. However, the time schedule must be presented in advance and must be strictly observed. Time extensions may be granted only in exceptional cases and only by the division chair. Additional tuition charges may be required and payment must be made before beginning an independent study project.
Academic Honors
Semester Academic Honors
The Dean’s List is for students who are registered for a full-time course load of 12 or more credit hours and whose semester academic average is 3.5 or higher with earned grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+ or C. Students are ineligible for the Dean’s List if they have incomplete coursework (I grade), a grade of S, U, W or a grade below C for that semester. Students who receive an S grade(s) in courses where S/U grades are mandated will still be eligible for the Dean’s List, provided that they have completed 12 or more hours of course work in addition to all courses graded on the mandatory S/U grade basis. Academic foundations courses do not count toward the Dean’s List.
The President’s List for Academic Excellence is for students who are registered for a full-time course load of 12 or more credit hours and whose semester academic average is 4.0 with all earned grades of A. Students are ineligible for the President’s List if they have incomplete coursework (l grade), or a grade of S, U, or W for that semester. Students who receive an S grade(s) in courses where S/U grades are mandated will still be eligible for the President’s List, provided that they have completed 12 or more hours of course work in addition to all courses graded on the mandatory S/U grade basis. Academic foundations courses do not count toward the President’s List.
The Part Time Honor’s List is for students who are registered for a part-time course load of 6 to 11 credit hours and whose semester academic average is 3.5 or higher with earned grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+ or C. Students are ineligible for the Part Time Honor’s List if they have incomplete coursework (I grade), a grade of S, U, W or a grade below C for that semester. Academic foundations courses do not count toward the Part Time Honor’s List.
If a student is on academic notice, warning, or dismissal or if they have elected to file for an S/U grade, they are ineligible for the President’s, Dean’s or Part Time Honors Lists.
The President’s, Dean’s and Part Time Honors Lists are published following the Fall and Spring semesters only. There is no President’s, Dean’s or Part Time Honors Lists published for the summer semesters.
Graduation Honors
The total grade points earned in courses that apply to the student’s curriculum are added together and divided by the total number of credit hours. The resulting degree grade-point average (GPA) determines graduation with honors according to the following scale:
With Merit
3.30 - 3.59
With Distinction
3.60 - 3.79
With High Distinction
3.80 - 4.00
Honors Institute
The SUNY Niagara Honors Institute provides an enriching and challenging academic experience through unique coursework that stresses an interactive learning experience where students acquire a creative and comprehensive understanding of concepts in an interdisciplinary and global context. They think critically, hone research skills, demonstrate leadership, and develop a commitment to civic responsibility. Any student may enroll in an honors course or earn honors credit with permission of the Honors Coordinator, permission of the instructor teaching the course, or academic advisor.
The Honors Institute also houses the President’s Scholars Program and Honors Program. Students interested in participating in a cohesive honors experience at SUNY Niagara and earning the Honors designation on their diploma, may enroll in Honor’s Institute’s all-college President’s Scholars Program (requires 18 honors credit including a service learning project), or the traditional Honors Program (requires 14 honors credits). Students enrolled in these honors programs benefit from the following:
- Honors coursework noted on transcripts and Honors designation noted on diploma
- Special recognition at commencement
- Opportunities to travel to and present research at local and regional academic conferences
- Smaller seminar-style classes
- Honors-to-Honors transfer agreements at four-year institutions
- Individualized academic, career, and transfer counseling
- Individualized library and research support
Graduation Requirements
Candidates must satisfactorily fulfill college and graduation requirements specified for the major in which they are matriculated, including any required foundation courses. Candidates also are required to attain a minimum degree grade-point average of 2.0 in the major from which they are graduating, as well as a minimum overall grade point average of 2.0. In addition to this, students must have met all financial obligations assessed by the college. In the case of students having an outstanding financial obligation, the awarding of a degree/certificate will not be withheld, but the financial obligation must be resolved prior to the release of an official transcript or degree/certificate.
In order to receive their degrees or certificates, candidates should notify the Records’ Office of their intent to graduate by filling out an online graduation application. The graduation application initiates the process of official validation and should be submitted in the student’s final semester prior to graduation. Students will be notified of their eligibility to graduate by the Records’ Office during their anticipated final semester. Any student who does not apply for graduation will have his/her degree or certification automatically awarded upon successful completion of graduation requirements. In the case of students who are pursuing a dual major, automatic conferral of degree will only be processed when the requirements for both degrees/certificates have been fulfilled. For all students, filing the online graduation application is preferred to automatic conferral, as it confirms the degree or certificate that a student is seeking; once a degree or certificate is conferred, it cannot be revoked. The graduation application also collects other important information, including the name a student wishes to have displayed on the diploma (which might differ from a student’s legal name), updated address information, and whether a student wishes to participate in commencement. Students who have completed graduation requirements but do not wish to have a degree automatically conferred must contact the Records’ Office prior to the end of the semester to prevent issuance of the degree and/or certificate.
2019 Graduate Follow Up
Posthumous Degree
The Trustees of SUNY Niagara shall consider the posthumous award of a degree for a student who has met the following criteria at the time of death:
- The student passed away during the semester in which he or she would have graduated;
- The student is deemed to be in good academic standing at the time of death;
- Either the chair of the department from which the degree will be awarded or the Vice President of Academic Affairs recommends the award; and
- The student would have otherwise met all other requirements for graduation.
Awarding of Degrees
SUNY Niagara is authorized by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York to award the Associate in Arts Degree (AA), the Associate in Science Degree (AS), and the Associate in Applied Science Degree (AAS) to regularly matriculated students upon successful completion of curriculum requirements.
Associate in Arts Degree
The AA degree is awarded to candidates who successfully complete a program which parallels the first half of the liberal arts curriculum for a baccalaureate degree. SUNY Niagara offers an AA degree to those who successfully complete a university parallel curriculum in:
Human Services
Liberal Arts And Sciences
Liberal Arts And Sciences: Humanities and Social Science
Liberal Arts And Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences (Jointly Registered with SUNY College at Buffalo-Childhood Education 1-6 BS)
Liberal Arts and Sciences: Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL)
The AA degree graduate is fully prepared for admission, with advanced standing, to a baccalaureate program.
Associate in Science Degree
The AS degree is awarded to candidates who successfully complete a university parallel professionally oriented curriculum in:
Business: Business Administration
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
Criminal Justice
Dietetics Studies
Digital Media
Engineering Science
Environmental Studies
Fine Arts
Health Studies
Liberal Arts And Sciences: Math and Science
Physical Education Studies
Sport Management
Theatre Arts
The AS degree is organized to permit an appropriate course of study in a specific field. AS degree graduates are prepared to transfer to bachelor degree programs.
Associate in Applied Science Degree
The AAS degree is awarded to candidates who successfully complete a program which emphasizes career preparation. SUNY Niagara offers Associate in Applied Science degree curricula in:
Animal Management
Baking and Pastry Arts
Business: Business Administration
Computer Aided Drafting & Design (CADD): Mechanical, Process Piping & Control
Culinary Arts
Hospitality Management
Individual Studies
Massage Therapy
Mechanical Technology: Mechanical Design
Medical Assistant
Radiologic Technology
Surgical Technology
Welding Technology
Requirements for Receiving More Than One Degree
Students have the option to enroll in a maximum of two programs at the same time. Exclusions apply in the following programs that require pre-requisites: Animal Management, Nursing, Massage Therapy, Radiologic Technology, and Surgical Technology.
In order to receive more than one associate degree from SUNY Niagara, a student must do the following:
- Successfully complete the degree requirements for each degree.
- Complete a minimum of fifteen (15) credit hours beyond the requirements of the previously earned degree(s).
- Successfully complete any applicable SUNY general educational requirements required for each degree.
In order to receive an associate degree and a certificate from SUNY Niagara, a student must do the following:
- Successfully complete the degree requirements for the associate degree program.
- Successfully complete the certificate requirements for the certificate program.
- Successfully complete any applicable SUNY general educational requirements required for each degree.