2011-12 Student Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2011-12 Student Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Workforce and Community Development

NCCC provides lifelong learning opportunities for everyone. Learn how these opportunities can benefit you.



 Workforce Training

Are you looking for a career change? Have you recently been laid off? Are you looking to get back into the job market? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then Niagara County Community College Department of Workforce Training is for you.

  We offer short term vocational job training in Allied Health, Continuing Education Credits, and Occupational Services. Students enrolling in these programs must have a High School Diploma or a GED. Students receive Intensive Case Management Services, life skills, job readiness, and professional development workshops. Students will also have access to on line job searches, and will develop professional job portfolios which include cover letter, resume and references.

 These non-credit short-term programs are available Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m.

 Workforce Training programs are developed to assist individuals through career transition that requires additional learning and technical skills.


Workforce Training Programs include:

Continuing Education Credits (CEU’s)



Chairside Dental Assisting

Body Mechanics                              

Computerized Medical Billing Day

Emergency Preparedness

Computerized Medical Billing Evening


Medical Billing Certification Prep

Electronic Medical Record Keeping

Kidney Dialysis Technician

Workplace Communication

Kidney Dialysis National Certification Exam


Front Desk Specialist


Sterile Processing


Pharmacy Technician


Electrocardiogram Technician (EKG)


Medical Coding


Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning


Air Barrier Technician Training


Course schedules vary from semester to semester. Those individuals interested in Workforce Training should contact 716-433-1857 for updated schedules or visit Workforce Training . Courses are offered at the Niagara Fall Extension Site, Main Campus, and Lockport Corporate Training.  

Mission Statement

The mission of the Niagara County Community College Division of Workforce and Community Development is to identify, respond to and develop workforce preparation, community development and academic enrichment programs for individuals, organizations and businesses through education, professional training and partnerships.

Department of Continuing Education

The Department of Continuing Education offers a variety of professional and personal enrichment courses to serve the workforce and personal training needs of the community. Flexible scheduling is provided and special events are offered in a variety of accessible locations throughout Western New York.

Professional training programs include: Paralegal, Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC), Notary Public, Microsoft Office, Infection Control, Emergency Medical Services (EMT), Basic Life Support for Professional Rescuers; Graduate School Test Prep courses, Grant Writing, and Insurance Pre-licensing.

Community service and personal enrichment coursework includes: driver safety, health and wellness, arts, cooking, sailing, foreign languages, and sign language.  In addition, a variety of summer sports and academic camps are available for those between the ages of 8-18.

Our mission is to serve the community. The Continuing Education Office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday.

Emergency Medical Services

Niagara County Community College offers NYS Health Department approved emergency medical service courses that include: EMT-Basic, Advanced EMT Intermediate, Advanced EMT Critical Care, Paramedic Recertification and corresponding recertification courses. Courses are offered on a semester-by-semester basis depending on demand and funding.

Driving Safety Program

NCCC Department of Continuing Education offers several driving safety courses. They are Defensive Driving, Driving Improvement, Driver Education, Five (5) Hour Pre-licensing and Motorcycle Safety training course.

The three (3) hour Driving Improvement Program offered by Continuing Education is for area traffic court defendants who have been referred by the local judiciary for a safe driving course. Admittance into the program is arranged with local traffic courts and the College Administrator. This course is under the auspices of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.

The six (6) hour Defensive Driving course is an insurance and point reduction program that includes safe driving education. This course is cosponsored by the National Safety Council and is approved by the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles.

The Driver Education course is designed for individuals 16 years of age and older. Students under 18 who successfully complete the program will receive the New York State MV-285 (Blue Card) and may qualify for an insurance reduction credit.

The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles approved Motorcycle Training Safety course or Basic Rider Course is designed for beginning riders. Exercises in a controlled environment provide a complete introduction to motorcycling. Motorcycles and helmets are provided for your use during the course. The pre-requisite for this course is a motorcycle learner’s permit.

Course offerings and class schedules vary from semester to semester, so those interested in coursework should contact Continuing Education at (716) 614-6470 for an updated schedule.

New York State Small Business Development Center

The Niagara Small Business Development Center, located at 50 Main St., Lockport, provides a wide range of management assistance and technical services to entrepreneurs and small business owners. Administered by the State University of New York, the Niagara SBDC specializes in providing one-on-one counseling on small business problems and offers training and instructional programs targeted to the needs and interest of small business persons. Types of assistance provided include start-up information, business plan development, financial analysis, accounting, loan sources, recordkeeping, marketing, cash-flow projections and training programs. College faculty and representatives from both the private and public sectors are also available for assistance. There are no fees for counseling, but small charges may be made for costs associated with training programs.

In addition to these services, the Small Business Development Center provides knowledge and hands-on experience in international trade development for small businesses. The Center offers one-on-one counseling services, electronic database linkages, coordination with federal and statement agencies and a series of seminars all designed to assist small businesses expand their markets internationally. The Center is staffed with experienced professionals who possess the technical expertise to facilitate international market access.

The NCCC Small Business Development Center also operates an outreach office on the campus of SUNY at Geneseo in Livingston County. All previously mentioned types of assistance provided by the SBDC are available at this office. For more information visit the NCCC SBDC website at www.niagarasbdc.org.

NCCC Corporate Training Center

Established to increase productivity in industry, thereby helping industry to keep its competitive edge, the Department of Corporate Training offers custom designed training programs for business and industry. Located at the NCCC Training Center at 50 Main Street in Lockport, the Department of Corporate Training continues to offer one of the largest programs of this nature in the SUNY system. The expertise of the center’s staff in securing grant funding has allowed Corporate Training to offer training courses at an attractive rate to business/industry.

Courses and programs are designed and taught specifically for the company requesting the training. Course content relates directly to work responsibilities and goals of the business.

The center’s staff prides itself on offering a variety of topics that are requested by industry. Topics are researched, course content developed, and trainers hired to meet the objectives of the specific company.

In addition to high quality classroom instruction, the center houses a state-of-the-art training laboratory to give a comprehensive and practical understanding of today’s OSHA regulations and to teach the steps necessary to achieve compliance.

For more information visit our website at www.niagaracc.suny.edu.


Corporate Training provides assessment services that review strategies, define objectives and needs, prioritize needs, define curriculum, identify expertise, and develop schedules for training, safety, processing, risk and hazardous environments.

Safety and Health

Corporate Training also offers a variety of safety and health training programs that include

  • Asbestos Abatement - Certified by New York State and the United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Confined Space
  • Crane Safety
  • Electrical Safety
  • Ergonomics
  • Fall Protection
  • Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Training
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Lead Training
  • Lockout/Tagout
  • Powered Industrial Truck
  • Respirator Safety
  • Rigging
  • Scaffolding
  • Trenching and Shoring
  • Violence in the Workplace
  • Welding

Niagara Falls Extension Site

The Niagara Falls Extension Site is located at the Trott ACCESS Center at 1001 Eleventh Street and Ashland Avenue in the heart of Niagara Falls. Through the successful collaboration of Niagara County’s various community partners located in the Trott ACCESS Center, adults and youth are provided a myriad of educational, career and supportive services. If you have questions, please contact (716) 614-6890.

 The Workforce Development Institute Grant

The WDI Grant provides eligible individuals with employment assistance, college placement and /or training opportunities leading to employment. The grant assists participants to eliminate barriers to obtaining personal and career goals. Eligible applicants must be at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level, have a dependent child (children) and have special needs or a disability.

Learning Pathways & Pre-collegiate Programs

The goal of the Learning Pathways Program is to provide the academic support needed to maximize success. It’s never too early or too late to develop skills for academic success. Successful learners realize that it takes a combination of skills - attitude, organization, personal (time, task & stress) management, prioritization, concentration and motivation – to achieve their goals. The Learning Pathways Program offers a variety of non-credit workshops and courses to prepare students to enter an academic program or with the basic skills (reading, writing, arithmetic) necessary for employment.


Students interested in Learning Pathways courses are those who:

   are returning to college after a break in education

   have had a negative experience with high school or previous college attendance

   failed one or more of the college entrance tests in math, writing, and reading

   failed one or more college foundations courses in math, writing, and reading

   have learning challenges due to a learning disability

   want to improve their English language skills in reading, writing, and/or conversation

   lack basic computer skills necessary for college success


The Learning Pathways Program offers a variety of learning opportunities in:

·   Preparation for taking the GED test

   Pre-Collegiate Computer Basics, Reading/Writing, and Math

   English as a Second Language (ESL)

   Academic Success Skills (personal management skills - time, task, and stress)

   Goal Setting and Decision Making Skills

   Communication Skills

   Presentation Skills

   Identifying Your Learning Style

   Academic Improvement & Management (AIM) Workshops



   Communication Skills

   The Problem-Solver Primer

   Effective Presentation Skills – Overcoming the Public Speaking Jitters



   Introduction to Computers

   Introduction to Keyboarding

   Introduction to the Internet

   Introduction to Microsoft Windows 2007

   Introduction to Microsoft Office 2007

   Introduction to Microsoft 2007 Word

   Introduction to Spreadsheets using Excel

   Introduction to Powerpoint



   Pathways – Workplace Essentials

   The Basics for Vocational Preparation

•   Workforce Literacy Skills in a Health Careers Prep Context


For more information visit our website at http://www.niagaracc.suny.edu/wfcd/lp

Personal & Professional Development

Individuals with Special Needs

  • The Needs of Students with Autism (NYSED Approved)

Office of Alcohol & Substance Abuse (OASAS) Approved

  • Coping with Loss & Grief
  • Human Growth & Development
  • Services for Clients with C0-Occurring/Dual Diagnoses
  • Crisis Interventions with Multiple Diagnosed Clients
  • Substance Abuse & the Developmentally Disabled Client
  • Legal Issues Affecting Work Placement
  • Here’s My Resume - Where;s my Job?
  • Employment Assistance Services

Pre-Collegiate Institute

The program is designed to assist adults with developmental math, reading, writing and basic computer skills necessary to enter a college level class or obtain their GED. It is competency-based to meet individual needs and abilities. Students learn at a pace that is comfortable to them. Instructors assist participants to identify and develop their own career paths. Participants are referred to NCCC credit-bearing certificate and degree programs, employment opportunities, or workforce training programs leading to employment. For more information, call Learning Pathways at (716) 614-6236.