Mar 12, 2025
BIO 221 - Microbiology4 Cr. Contact Hours Per Week: 3 Lec.
In Microbiology students study the nature of microorganisms from an organismal as well as a molecular approach. Major topic areas include: the study of morphological and physiological nature of bacteria, cyanobacteria, rickettsia, viruses, protozoa, fungi, algae, and helminthology. The immune system is discussed from the standpoint of the human body’s normal responses (antibody), problems in both autoimmune diseases/tissue transplants, and the organism’s role in antigenic stimulation. Asepsis, transmission, chemical methods of control, physical methods of control, and the role of chemotherapy are additional topic areas. Selected bacterial, rickettsial, mycological, protozoal, helminth, viral, and nosocomial infections are discussed. Clinical as well as industrial procedures are performed in the laboratory. Usually offered Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters Pre-Requisites: One semester of college biology or chemistry or permission of the instructor. Recommended: BIO 109/110 or BIO 213/214 or BIO 117 or CHE 120/111 Co-Requisites: BIO 221L General Education: Meets SUNY requirement for Natural Science & Scientific Reasoning (NSCI)
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