BUS 238 - Management Seminar3 Cr. Contact Hours Per Week: 3 Lec.
The course attempts to provide students with an opportunity to engage in an in-depth analysis of selected business/management and financial topics. Students will be expected to exhibit oral, written and critical thinking skills that reflect the knowledge and maturity gained from either the accumulation of at least thirty (30) college credits or comparable work experience. Changes in the minimum wage, issues related to the use of the Internet, the impact of administrative agencies, the challenges resulting from the globalization of the economy, and the emerging role of women and minorities are examples of topics that are discussed. Usually offered Fall and Spring semesters Pre-Requisites: Matriculation in the Business Administration Program (A.A.S.), Business Management Certificate Program, or permission of the instructor. Completion of thirty (30) credit hours or permission of the instructor.
Click here for the Summer 2025 Class Schedule
Click here for the Fall 2025 Class Schedule
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