2019 - 2020 Student Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2019 - 2020 Student Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Human Services, A.A.

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Program Requirements

Typical Program

Degree/Certificate:     Associate in Arts
HEGIS Code:             5501
SUNY Code:              2639
Major Code:              HUMA

The Career

Major changes in society have resulted in an increasing need for human services professionals. Advancing technology, an aging population, significant changes in the character and structure of the family, increased exposure to trauma, economic factors and other social trends contribute to this need. As human problems and the bureaucracies designated to deal with these problems become increasingly complex, the need for highly trained, skilled human services workers is vital.

Graduates of the Human Services program have transferred to four-year colleges and to universities. They have found employment in early childhood centers, agencies serving the elderly, social services, alcohol and drug rehabilitation facilities, health care agencies, residential care facilities, community and government organizations and a variety of other agencies.

The NCCC Approach

The Human Services program provides students with a common core of course work plus the opportunity through human services electives to study gerontology, early childhood education, social work, substance abuse or other human services areas. The program is flexible, allowing students to transfer credits, if so desired, to a bachelor’s degree program.


Students admitted in fall, spring and summer.

The Human Services program is offered as a full-time day program, part-time evening program or as a distance learning program. Students who opt for distance learning may be able to complete all degree requirements online. All core courses including internships are offered on-line as are the majority of elective courses.

Because of the sequencing of some courses, it may take students beginning in the spring or summer semester longer to complete the degree.

Dual Admissions

Niagara University
SUNY College at Brockport
SUNY College at Buffalo

Articulation Agreements

Hilbert College
Niagara University
SUNY College at Brockport
SUNY College at Buffalo
Utica College of Syracuse University

Program Goals and Objectives

  • To prepare students for successful transfer to upper-level institutions in Human Services
  • To assist students in meeting a minimum of seven of the ten SUNY General Education requirements

Program Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this program, the student will:

  • Demonstrate familiarity with an overview of the human services systems
  • Discuss professional ethics as they relate to human services
  • Acquire first-hand experience helpful toward career development
  • Integrate classroom learning with field experience
  • Explain the loss and grief process
  • Demonstrate an understanding of social science research as used in the human services field

Program Requirements (HUMA)

  1. A total of at least 64-credit hours with a minimum curriculum grade-point average of 2.0. Academic Foundations courses do not count toward the degree.
  2. Human Services: A minimum of 16-credit hours to include:
  3. Human Services Electives: A minimum of 6-credits in your area of interest chosen from the courses listed:
    1. Chemical Dependency Counseling
    2. Disabilities Studies
    3. Early Childhood Education
    4. Gerontology
    5. Social Work

      HUS 106 - Poverty, Welfare & Policy  
      HUS 111 - Introduction Aging & the Aged  
      HUS 114 - Introduction to Addictions: The Individual & Family  
      HUS 120 - Disabilities: Birth to Adolescence  
      HUS 122 - Disabilities and Aging  
      HUS 207 - Infants & Toddler Care and Education  Also available as EDU 207  
      HUS 208 - Early Childhood Education  Also available as EDU 208  
      HUS 210 - Anti-Bias Early Childhood Education  Also available as EDU 210  
      HUS 215 - Substance Abuse Interventions  
      HUS 216 - Chemical Dependency Topics  
      HUS 217 - Diversity in Chemical Dependency Counseling  
      SLA101 - American Sign Language I  
  4. Arts - General Education Approved Elective  : A minimum of 3-credit hours.
  5. Health/Physical Education: A minimum of 2-credit hours by advisement or
         If pursuing CASAC (Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counseling): HED 204 - Drugs and Society  
         If pursuing Early Childhood Education:  HED 201 - Healthful Living  
         If pursuing Disability Studies:  HED 214 - Advanced First Aid and CPR  
         If pursuing Social Work:  HED 214 - Advanced First Aid and CPR  
  6. Humanities: A minimum of 12-credit hours to include:
    ENG 103 - Writing for STEM   
    LIT   ___     Literature  elective by advisement
    PHI  ___     Philosophy elective by advisement OR
    ___  ___     Language  elective (FRE, GER, LAN, SLA, SPA)
  7. Mathematics - General Education Approved Elective  : A minimum of 3-credit hours.
  8. Restricted Social Sciences Elective: A minimum of 3-credit hours to be selected from:
    ECO 101 - Macroeconomics  
    HIS 101 - Western Civilization I  
    HIS 105 - Western Civilization II  
    HUS 210 - Anti-Bias Early Childhood Education  
    PSY 240 - Social Psychology  
    PSY 250 - Abnormal Psychology  
    SOC 203 - Social Problems  
    SOC 260 - Sociology of the Family  
  9. Natural Science - General Education: A minimum of 4-credit hours to include:
  10. Social Science - General Education: A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
  11. Other World Civilization General Education:  A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
    ANT 102 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology  
  12. American History or Western Civilization - General Education:  a minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
    HIS ___ American History  or Western Civilization History  
  13. Psychology:  A minimum of 6-credit hours to include:
    PSY 110 - Introduction to Psychology  
    PSY 210 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology  OR
    PSY 220 - Child Development  


The Anthropology elective and BIO 117 are not offered online at NCCC (BIO 117 is available through Open SUNY, http://open.suny.edu/, make sure it is four credits and receive pre-approval) .  You can either come to campus to complete the courses or transfer them in from another institution.

Typical Program


Total Credit Hours: 15


Second Semester


Total Credit Hours: 17


Third Semester


Total Credit Hours: 15


Fourth Semester


Total Credit Hours: 17



This is only a recommended, not a required, sequence of study.

* Dependent upon the fulfillment of Academic Foundations requirements.

Scholarship Opportunities

There are several scholarships available to NCCC students.  Scholarship deadline dates vary each semester.  For more information, please visit the scholarship webpage at www.niagaracc.suny.edu/scholarships. The NCCC Scholarship Office is located within the Financial Aid Complex, A-114 or by phone (716) 614-6205.

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