2025-2026 Student Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Student Catalog

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Engineering Science, A.S. (Tracks in: Aerospace, Mechanical, Undecided Engineering; Civil Engineering; Environmental Engineering)

Contact Information

Program Requirements

Typical Program - Aerospace/Mechanical/Undecided Track

Typical Program - Civil Engineering Track

Typical Program - Environmental Engineering Track

Degree/Certificate:    Associates in Science
HEGIS Code:              5609
SUNY Code:               0530
Major Code:              ENGE

The Career

To remain competitive in the global economy, it is essential the United States prioritizes science and engineering education. Engineers are critical in the drive for new manufacturing methods, increased automation, energy independence, clean energy, energy efficiency, renewal of national infrastructure, etc. These efforts require an increasing number of engineering graduates across all disciplines. The need for graduate engineers is expected to steadily increase into the future and graduate engineers currently command among the highest starting salaries of all professional fields.

The SUNY Niagara Approach

The Engineering Science associate degree (A.S.) program at SUNY Niagara will prepare students to transfer to a four-year college or university to pursue a baccalaureate degree in engineering. This program includes those courses required in the first two years of a typical baccalaureate degree program in engineering. These courses are of an applied physics nature and include coursework in Statics, Dynamics, Mechanical Properties of Materials, etc. This program fulfills the academic needs in such areas as mathematics, physics, and chemistry, in support of engineering coursework, thus enabling students to transfer seamlessly.

As currently structured, this program will meet all requirements for seamless transfer into SUNY and other 4-year engineering programs. This includes SUNY at Buffalo Aerospace, Mechanical, Civil & Environmental engineering. With some course substitutions, it will also meet requirements for seamless transfer into Chemical, Biomedical, Computer or Industrial Engineering. Chemical and Biomedical engineering students should enroll in the Environmental track.

Students interested in electrical engineering will have the option of completing the bulk of their required coursework within this program in conjunction with the selection of appropriate course electives at SUNY Niagara and cross-registration at a four-year campus.


Students admitted in fall, spring and summer.  Because of the sequencing of courses, it may take more than four semesters of full-time study if a student begins this program in a spring or summer semester.  Students needing additional coursework in preparation for Calculus and Physics may need more than four semesters to complete the program.

Dual Admissions

Consult with the Admissions Office.

Articulation Agreements

We follow the SUNY Seamless transfer paths for transfer to other SUNY Schools like SUNY at Buffalo. Consult with the Student Success Center for other articulation agreements.

Program Goals and Objectives

  • To provide a course of study which enables graduates to transfer seamlessly into four-year baccalaureate programs in aerospace, mechanical, civil or environmental engineering
  • To provide a core of mathematics and science courses in support of continued coursework at the four-year level and in support of professional endeavors upon attainment of the baccalaureate degree

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will:

  • Demonstrate the ability to meet standards in mathematics and science for successful transfer to a 4-year engineering program.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate, and solve science and engineering problems by applying relevant principles of engineering, science, mathematics, or computer programming as appropriate.
  • Demonstrate the ability to interpret and analyze data from experiments, tables or graphs and use engineering judgement to draw conclusions.
  • Effectively communicate general, scientific, and technical information, to a wide range of audiences in an oral, written, and visual manner.

Program Requirements (ENGE)

  1. A total of at least 68-credit hours with a minimum curriculum grade-point average of 2.0. Academic Foundations courses do not count toward the degree.
  2. Engineering Science: A minimum of 11-credit hours to include:
    ENS 219 - Engineering Mechanics of Materials  
    MET 110 - Engineering Drawing I  
  3. Mathematics & Quantitative Reasoning: A minimum of 16-credit hours to include:
  4. Natural Science & Scientific Reasoning: A minimum of 13-credit hours to include:
    PHY 171L - Calculus-Based Physics and Mechanics Lab  
    PHY 172L - Calculus Based Physics II Lab  
  5. Computer Science: A minimum of 4-credit hours to include:
    ENS 110 - Computer Programming for Engineers   
  6. Communication - Written: A minimum 6-credit hours to include:
    ENG 103 - Writing for STEM  
  7. Communication - Oral: A minimum 3-credit hours to include:  
    ENS 120 - Engineering Data & Applications  
  8. Diversity: Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice and Social Science- General Education: A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
    ___  ___ General Education  approved elective that meets both Diversity: Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice (DVRS) and Social Science (SOCS) OR Diversity: Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice (DVRS) and US History & Civic Engagement (USCV)
  9. General Education:  A minimum of 3-credit hours to be chosen from courses that fulfill both the Arts (ARTS) and Humanities (HUMN)
  10. Track Requirements/Electives:  A minimum of 9-credit hours.  Choose from one of the following tracks:
    1. Aerospace, Mechanical, Undecided Engineering Track
      ENS 283 - Thermodynamics 
      ENS 285 - Engineering Circuit Analysis  
      MAT 164 - Introduction to Statistics  OR
      MAT 255 - Linear Algebra  
    2. Civil Engineering Track
      CHE 113L - General Chemistry II Lab  
      CHE 121 - General Chemistry II  
      ENS 283 - Thermodynamics  OR
      ENS 285 - Engineering Circuit Analysis  
      TEC 110 - Introduction to Technical Calculations  
    3. Environmental  Engineering Track
      BIO 109 - General Biology I  
      BIO 109L - General Biology I Lab  
      CHE 113L - General Chemistry II Lab  
      CHE 121 - General Chemistry II  

Typical Program–Aerospace, Mechanical, Undecided Engineering Track

First Semester–Aerospace, Mechanical, Undecided Engineering

Total Credit Hours: 18


Total Credit Hours: 16

Total Credit Hours: 18


Total Credit Hours: 16


Typical Program–Civil Engineering Track

Typical Program–Environmental Engineering Track


* Dependent upon the fulfillment of Academic Foundations requirements.

Required Course Pre-requisites

The following courses, or their equivalent(s), are required prerequisites for the major:

If students do not place into MAT 120, then MAT 116 (or its equivalent) and, if needed, MAT 111 (or its equivalent) and, if needed, MAT 110 (or its equivalent) and, if needed, MAT 023 (or its equivalent) are required prerequisites for completion of the major.

Students who have not had adequate course preparation may need to take CHE 100 prior to taking CHE 120.

Scholarship Opportunities

There are several scholarships available to SUNY Niagara students. Scholarship deadline dates vary each semester.  For more information, please visit the scholarship webpage at www.niagaracc.suny.edu/scholarships. The SUNY Niagara Foundation/Scholarship Office is located within the Foundation Office, A-265 or by phone (716) 614-5910.