2025-2026 Student Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Student Catalog

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Environmental Studies, A.S.

Contact Information

Program Requirements

Typical Program

Degree/Certificate:    Associate in Science
HEGIS Code:            5499
SUNY Code:             1016
Major Code:             ENVI

The Career

The Environmental Studies curriculum at SUNY Niagara provides the foundation courses for transfer to a four-year degree program in the environmental field. A degree in Environmental Studies prepares you for careers in environmental design, environmental law, resource management, teaching, conservation, park management, environmental risk assessment, hazardous materials management and for work as a consultant or policy analyst with government agencies and other non-government organizations.

The SUNY Niagara Approach

This curriculum is designed for students with an interest in environmental problems that wish to transfer to a four-year institution for further study in a bachelor degree program in environmental studies, environmental design, planning and public policy, forestry, education or pre-law programs in related areas.


Students admitted in fall, spring and summer.

Environmental Studies associate in science degree curriculum is offered as a full-time or part-time program. Because of the sequencing of courses, completion of the part-time program may be extended.

Program Goals and Objectives

  • The goals of the Associate in Science (AS) degree in Environmental Studies are to develop the students’ knowledge about the biological, physical, philosophical, sociological and historical aspects of environmental science and to assist students with the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary to investigate career possibilities and make intelligent decisions with regard to future directions.
  • The objective of the Associate in Science degree in Environmental Studies is to provide the highest possible level of interdisciplinary preparation for transfer to a bachelor degree program in the environmental field.

Program Learning Outcomes

The student will:

  • Demonstrate the ability to use and understand numerical data using statistical analysis
  • Use methods employed by scientists to explore natural phenomena
  • Apply scientific data concepts and models in one or more of the natural sciences
  • Integrate data from other applications into a computer program to perform analysis consistent with the requirements of a college-level mathematics and science courses
  • Have knowledge of major concepts, models and issues in at least one of the social sciences
  • Have knowledge of the conventions and methods of at least one of the humanities

Transfer Information

Environmental Studies associate in science degree provides a foundation for transfer to a bachelor’s degree program through general education, science and environmental studies courses. You may transfer to related bachelor’s degree programs at the State University College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York at Buffalo, SUNY College at Brockport, University at Buffalo, Canisius College and Niagara University among others.

The Environmental Studies program provides a strong background in science, while at the same time accommodating the varied interests and future plans of the individual student.

Program Requirements (ENVI)

  1. A total of at least 62-credit hours with a minimum curriculum grade-point average of 2.0. Academic Foundations courses do not count toward the degree.
  2. Mathematics and Science: A minimum of 25-credit hours to include:
    BIO 109L - General Biology I Lab  
    BIO 110L - General Biology II Lab  
       (offered in Fall semester only)
    BIO 130L - Ecology Lab  
    BIO 136 - Contemporary Environmental Issues  
    CHE 100 - Fundamentals of Chemistry  
    CHE 101L - Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab  
    ___  ___   Mathematics/Science elective  (3-credit hours)
  3. Communication General Education:  A minimum of 9-credit hours: 
    Communication - Written(COMW):  A minimum of 6-credit hours to include:
    ENG 101 - Writing I *  
    ENG 102 - Writing II & Introduction to Literature  OR
    ENG 103 - Writing for STEM  
    Communication - Oral (COMO):  A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
    SPE ___   General Education  elective with SPE prefix OR
    BUS 229 - Business Communications  
  4. Social Science General Education: A minimum of 9-credit hours to include:
    ECO 102 - Microeconomics  
    SOC 203 - Social Problems  
    ___  ___ - Social Science (SOCS) - General Education Elective  
  5. Humanities General Education:  A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
    PHI 153 - Ethics: Morality, Law and Politics  
  6. Arts General Education elective:  A minimum of 3-credit hours:
    ___  ___  General Education Arts (ARTS)  elective
  7. General Education elective:  A minimum of 3-credit hours:
    ___  ___  Political Science or History elective that is a General Education elective in one of the two following areas:  US History & Civic Engagement (USCV) or World History & Global Awareness (GLBL)
  8. Diversity: Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice (DVRS): A minimum of 3 credit hours to include:
    SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology     
  9. Computer Competency: A minimum of 2-credit hours to include:
  10. Health/Physical Education: a minimum of 2-credit hours
    ___  ___  Health/Physical Education elective
  11. Free elective:  A minimum of 3-credit hours
    ___  ___  Free elective based on student interest

Typical Program


Total Credit Hours: 15

Total Credit Hours: 16

Third Semester


Total Credit Hours: 16

Fourth Semester


  • 3 Cr.
  • Math or Science elective 3 Cr.
  • Political Science or History General Education elective that meets USCV or GLBL 3 Cr.
  • Social Science General Education elective 3 Cr.
  • ___  ___  Free elective 3 Cr.

Total Credit Hours: 15


*Dependent upon the fulfillment of Academic Foundations requirements.

Scholarship Opportunities

There are several scholarships available to SUNY Niagara students. Scholarship deadline dates vary each semester.  For more information, please visit the scholarship webpage at www.niagaracc.suny.edu/scholarships. The SUNY Niagara Foundation/Scholarship Office is located within the Foundation Office, A-265 or by phone (716) 614-5910.