2025-2026 Student Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Student Catalog

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Teaching Assistant, Certificate

Contact Information

Program Requirements

Typical Program

Degree/Certificate:     Certificate
HEGIS Code:             5503
SUNY Code:              1330
Major Code:              TA

The Career

This program spans two semesters and is designed for individuals aspiring to become Level III teaching assistants in education. The student body encompasses those with no prior classroom experience, existing teaching aides, and Level I and II teaching assistants seeking to enhance their educational qualifications. The program aims to equip graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills for employment as teaching assistants in childhood education classrooms.

In accordance with the Commissioner’s Regulations on Supplementary School Personnel-part 80-5.6, our graduates will be prepared to assist classroom teachers with duties such as:

  • Working with individual pupils or groups of pupils on special instructional projects
  • Providing the teacher with information about pupils that will assist the teacher in the development of appropriate learning experiences
  • Assisting pupils in the use of available instructional resources and assisting in the development of instructional materials
  • Utilizing their own special skills and abilities by assisting in instructional programs
  • Assisting in related instructional work as required

SUNY Niagara is committed to the career “ladder” in teacher education. All 25 credits of this certificate will transfer to our Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities and Social Science Jointly Registered Childhood Education program with SUNY College at Buffalo.

Students should be aware that completion of this program will meet New York State educational requirements for a Level III Teaching Assistant certificate, but not employment requirements. The New York State Department of Education currently requires that candidates for a Level III Teaching Assistant certification complete the following:

  1. Education. The candidate shall have attained a high school diploma or its equivalent and successfully completed a total of at least 18 semester hours of collegiate study acceptable toward meeting the requirements for a baccalaureate degree.
  2. Examination. The candidate shall submit evidence of having achieved a satisfactory level of performance on the New York State Teacher Certification Examination Test of Communication and Quantitative Skills.
  3. Experience. The candidate shall submit adequate evidence substantiating satisfactory employment as a teaching assistant for one school year under a Level I teaching assistant certificate or a Level II teaching assistant certificate or under a temporary license authorizing employment as a teaching assistant.

The SUNY Niagara Approach

Through classroom study and field observations, students will be prepared to assist teachers in childhood education upon graduation. While at SUNY Niagara students will experience small class sizes, which encourage open, in-depth discussions, build close relationships with other students and allow faculty to devote more attention to individual students. The program provides related coursework in the liberal arts and sciences as required by the AA degree, which is also required by SUNY College at Buffalo-Childhood Education 1-6 BS. Students in this program will receive individual advisement by faculty who have a special interest and expertise in childhood education.


Students admitted in fall, spring and summer.

The Teaching Assistant program is a full-time program with coursework available both day and evening.

Program Goals and Objectives

  • To prepare students for employment as teaching assistants in public schools
  • To prepare students to recognize and to be supportive of high-quality teaching
  • To develop student’s verbal, spoken, written and visual communication skills
  • To broaden and deepen a student’s educational skill base

Program Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this program students will:

  • Demonstrate a proficiency in both written and oral communication skills while engaging with individual students or groups within a classroom setting.
  • Identify the diverse developmental stages children go through, offering valuable insights to teachers that will assist in the development of appropriate learning experiences.
  • Utilize the understanding of developmental levels in their interactions and activities with children.
  • Analyze and evaluate the impact of diverse abilities on children’s learning capabilities.
  • Implement educational learning plans for children by assisting them in utilizing accessible instructional resources.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of, and appreciate the significance and intricate nature of children’s families and communities.
  • Apply acquired skills and knowledge to prepare the student for employment as a teaching assistant.

Program Requirements (TA)

  1. A total of 25-credit hours with a minimum curriculum grade-point average of 2.0. Academic Foundations courses do not count toward the certificate.
  2. Education: A minimum of 4-credit hours to include:
    EDU 101 - Introduction to Careers in Teaching 
    EDU 201 - Introduction to Elementary Education  
  3. Communication: A minimum of 6-credit hours to include:
    ENG 101 - Writing I 
    SPE 101 - Foundations of Communication  
  4. Psychology: A minimum of 6-credit hours to include:
    PSY 110 - Introduction to Psychology 
    PSY 220 - Child Development  
  5. Mathematics: A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
    MAT 108 - Math for Childhood Education I  
  6. General Education Electives: A minimum of 6-credit hours to be selected from:
    SUNY General Education  electives (American History, Arts, Humanities, Language, Mathematics, Natural Science, Other World Civilization or Western Civilization)

Typical Program


Total Credit Hours: 13


Total Credit Hours: 12


Scholarship Opportunities

There are several scholarships available to SUNY Niagara students. Scholarship deadline dates vary each semester.  For more information, please visit the scholarship webpage at www.niagaracc.suny.edu/scholarships. The SUNY Niagara Foundation/Scholarship Office is located within the Foundation Office, A-265 or by phone (716) 614-5910.