2025-2026 Student Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Student Catalog

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Nursing, A.A.S.

Contact Information

Program Requirements

Required Program

Degree/Certificate:    Associate in Applied Science
HEGIS Code:            5208.10
SUNY Code:             0622
Major Code:             NURS

The Career

Health care would not exist as we know it without the continuing accomplishments of the nursing profession. Our contemporary health delivery system depends upon those in this respected and increasingly well-compensated profession.

Registered professional nurses are prepared for and capable of providing services to individuals, families and groups in such settings as hospitals, acute-care facilities, clinics, nursing homes, community health agencies, home care, government health facilities and others. Nursing is a personally rewarding career.

Opportunities for employment will continue to be available in response to a national nursing shortage.

The SUNY Niagara Approach

The SUNY Niagara Registered Nurse program is committed to the education of registered professional nurses and the promotion of wellness in the community.

The Nursing program offers clinical experiences at hospitals, health care facilities and community agencies in Niagara, Erie and Orleans counties to provide students with important clinical experiences in all areas of health care.

Graduates of the program are eligible to take the National Council License Examination (NCLEX-RN) for registered nurses through the State Education Department and after licensure are eligible for multiple RN to BS nursing programs locally for in-class and online formats.  Affiliation agreements are in place to assist students in furthering their education to the bachelor of science degree in nursing.  Contact the Admissions Office for more information.

The Registered Nurse program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, which is located at 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, Georgia 30326,
(404) 975-5000, www.acenursing.org.

The Registered Nursing program is also accredited by The State Education Department, Division of Professional Education, 89 Washington Avenue, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Albany, NY  12234, (518) 486-2967, opprog@mail.nysed.gov. 

Admission & Curriculum Change Requirements

All applicants (first time, readmit, transfer and continuing students) must meet the SUNY Niagara admission application requirements and the following Nursing admission requirements.  Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis with the first acceptances to the program being issued in March for the next fall semester. 

  1. High school diploma or equivalency diploma.
  2. A minimum overall high school average of 80 percent or a minimum 2.75 for the last 5 year cumulative GPA of all colleges attended.
  3. Successful completion of:
  • High school level biology or chemistry course with a minimum grade of 85% OR a college level biology course with a lab OR a college level chemistry course with a lab with minimum grade of C.
  1. Satisfactory completion of all academic foundation requirements. To be accepted into the program applicants must earn the minimum required score on placement assessments or pass the academic foundations course listed below at this or another institution:
                           Reading   AAC 042, ENG 099 or ENG 088
                           Mathematics   MAT 012*
  * MAT 023 can be substituted for MAT 012 if student elects.  
Note:  These academic foundation courses do not count toward the degree.
  1. Current applicants with less than 12-college credits will have their overall high school GPA used for ranking.
  2. Those applicants who have 12-college credits or more will be ranked by a cumulative GPA for the last 5 years that includes all colleges attended. The GPA for the applicant must meet the minimum 2.75.  
  3. Students who have had a grade of less than passing (C grade) in any two nursing courses at SUNY Niagara or other institutions are not eligible.
  4. Students who have had a grade of less than passing (C grade) in two of the same required BIO courses at SUNY Niagara or other institutions are not eligible.
  5. Based on the nursing admissions ranking system, meeting program admission requirements does NOT guarantee acceptance into the nursing program.
  6. Admission is based on the academic qualifications of the student and space availability.
  7. Completion of all admission criteria are required prior to the preferred deadline date of February 1st at 5:00 p.m. EST in order to be given priority to be considered for the designated term.
  8. Those who complete the requirements after February 1st will be considered in ranking order as seats become available.
  9. If you apply after the deadline date or if you did not receive a seat due to space availability, you must resubmit a Nursing application between September 1 and February 1 for the following fall to be reconsidered.
  10. Applicants who have questions regarding their qualifications should contact the Admissions Office at 614-6200.
  11. Persons who would like to apply to the Nursing program should contact the Admissions Office.

​Nursing Quality Points Ranking System:

Applications for the Nursing program open on the first day of classes each fall semester for the following fall.  New students looking to apply to the program will be able to fill out an application to the college for this program at that time.  Students currently attending SUNY Niagara in a different program can fill out a change of major application for the following fall on the first day of classes.  If a student is currently taking courses to meet prerequisite requirements, they are encouraged to wait until their grades post for the semester so their courses can count towards their eligibility when they apply.  Applying before those courses are completed (if needed for eligibility) could result in an ineligible decision for their application.

Applications and waitlists for the Nursing program expire every year on August 31st.  Applicants who were on the waitlist and did not receive a seat by August 31st will need to reapply when the new application opens on the first day of classes for the following fall semester. Applicants who applied late or did not complete their application will have to reapply when the next application opens if they are still interested in the program.

Requirements to Remain in the Program:

Once accepted into the RN program, continued matriculation is contingent upon:

  1. An acceptable physical examination report. Health records including a physical exam, immunizations or titers proving immunity and verification by the health care provider that the student may participate in the clinical nursing program with no restrictions must remain current for the entire period of enrollment in the Registered Nurse program. The student is responsible for all costs related to the physical examination report and entering it on the ViewPoint health portal.  For more detailed information, see the SUNY Niagara website–Nursing Information Center.
  2. Certification in Basic Life Support for Professional Rescuer or Basic Life Support Provider is required and must remain current throughout the entire program.  For acceptable certifications, see the SUNY Niagara website–Nursing Information Center.
  3. Annual immunization for seasonal flu (influenza) is required.
  4. Admission and readmission into the Nursing program may require the COVID-19 vaccination.
  5. A background check and drug screening may be required by SUNY Niagara prior to a nursing clinical. Students must pay for their own background checks and drug screening prior to entering any nursing clinical course if required by the clinical site. Students will be provided with a web site to access this required background check information to complete the background check. See the nursing department for details on requirements. The College and nursing program is not responsible for students dismissed due to background checks. 

Advanced Standing

Graduates from Practical Nursing programs may be eligible for the PASS program and should consult the Nursing Department for details.


Grading Policy for Nursing Courses: The major Nursing clinical courses have three components: lecture (theory), college laboratory and clinical. A student must earn a minimum C grade in lecture (theory), and a passing evaluation in college laboratory and clinical. The student must be successful in each component to earn a passing grade of C. If a student is unsuccessful in any of the three (3) components, a grade of F will be earned. Minimum passing grade in all nursing courses is C.  To continue to progress in NUR 111, students must achieve a C grade in MAT 113.

Minimum Grade in Anatomy & Physiology and Microbiology and General Pharmacology Courses for Nursing Students: A minimum grade of C in BIO 213 lecture and lab (Anatomy and Physiology I), BIO 214 lecture and lab (Anatomy and Physiology II), BIO 221 lecture and lab (Microbiology) and PHA 250 (General Pharmacology) must be earned to progress in the Nursing curriculum. 

Repeat Policy: A student enrolled in any nursing curricula (RN Nursing or Practical Nursing) and who fails a major (clinical, lecture, or lab) nursing course (NUR 111, 112, 113, 114, 211, 212) (F grade), withdraws from or leaves a (clinical, lecture, or lab) nursing course in a failing state (W grade or repeated non-attendance), or withdraws from the college after failing a nursing course (X grade), may be considered for re-admittance, and is limited to one opportunity to repeat the incomplete or failed course.  It should be noted that a student who changes his/her curriculum from one nursing program to another is still limited to one course failure in any other clinical nursing course.  All other (clinical, lecture, or lab) nursing courses must be passed on the first attempt. After two unsuccessful attempts in (clinical, lecture, or lab) nursing courses, the student is ineligible to return to any nursing program.  This does not affect a student who is passing a nursing course at the time of withdrawing from the course or the college.  All prerequisite Nursing courses must be successfully completed before progressing to the next sequential Nursing course. Each required BIO lecture and lab course is limited to one repeat after a failure, regardless of the institution where the course was taken.

Students must re-apply to the College (if applicable) and the Nursing Department by April 1st for PN 3 (NUR 113), PN 4 (NUR 114), and Nursing 3 (NUR 211) or by October 1st for PN 2 (NUR 101), Nursing 2 (NUR 112) and Nursing 4 (NUR 212) to be considered for return and submit a letter requesting re-admittance to the program.  Acceptance is based on meeting the eligibility requirements for admission to the program, academic history, ranking by program GPA and space availability.  There is no guarantee of re-admittance for students who were unsuccessful in completing a clinical nursing course.  Contact the Nursing Department for more information.

Unsafe Clinical Practice: When a student is unable to provide safe nursing care at an off-campus facility, the Nursing Program AVPAA, upon recommendation from the clinical nurse faculty, will remove said student from the clinical laboratory component of the course. Unsafe practice is defined as “placing the patient in clear and present danger.” The student is not eligible for re-admission into the Nursing program.

Five-Year Course Policy: If a student has taken any course with a NUR, PHA,  or BIO prefix more than five years before entering the Nursing program, the NUR, PHA, BIO course must be repeated. 

Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the Registered Nursing program, the graduates will be reported by the New York State Education Department to have passed the NCLEX-RN licensure exam at a rate equal to or exceeding 80%, be employed in a position for which the program prepared them, and report satisfaction with the Nursing program. Students are expected to complete the program within four semesters.

End of Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Develop competent nursing judgment by utilization and prioritization of nursing knowledge and information/technology to provide holistic (biophysical, psychological, socio-cultural, spiritual) patient-centered care

  • Provide patient-centered care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience

  • Collaborate professionally and effectively with nurses, interprofessional team members, patient family and/or community members fostering shared-decision making to achieve quality patient care

  • Implement psychomotor skills safely and demonstrate role specific nurse competency to provide safe, quality care

  • Provide health teaching utilizing concepts of teaching/learning to promote decision making and human flourishing of the patient, family and/or community members

  • Demonstrate integrity and accountability while practicing within the ethical, legal and regulatory frameworks of nursing. Utilize information/ technology to enhance safety and support decision making

  • Integrate best practices based on evidence with clinical expertise and research in the delivery of optimal health care

  • Commit to personal and professional growth developing professional identity utilizing a spirit of inquiry, patient satisfaction and quality improvement

Program Requirements (NURS)

  1. A total of at least 68-credit hours with a minimum curriculum grade-point of 2.0. Academic Foundations courses do not count toward the degree.
  2. Nursing: A minimum of 28-credit hours to include:
    NUR 111 - Nursing I *
    NUR 112 - Nursing II 
    NUR 213 - Nursing Perspectives  
  3. Natural Science & Scientific Reasoning(NSCI) General Education: A minimum of 14-credit hours to include:
    BIO 213L - Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab *
    BIO 214L - Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab II 
    BIO 221 - Microbiology 
    BIO 221L - Microbiology Lab  
  4. Communication - Written (COMW) and Communication - Oral (COMO) General Education: A minimum of 13-credit hours to include:
    ENG 101 - Writing I *
  5. Diversity: Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice (DVRS) General Education: A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
    SOC 101  -  Introduction to Sociology  
  6. Social Sciences (SOCS) General Education: A minimum of 6-credit hours to include:
    PSY 110 - Introduction to Psychology 
    PSY 210 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology  
  7. Pharmacology: A minimum of 3-credit hours to include:
    PHA 250 - General Pharmacology  
  8. Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning (MATH) General Education: A minimum of 1-credit hours to include:
    MAT 113  -  Medication Simulation for Nursing  

Required Program



* Dependent upon the fulfillment of Academic Foundations requirements.
+ Must have successfully completed in the last five years.

Additional Costs

Students must purchase a uniform, standardized testing program, laboratory supplies and profession-specific equipment. Detailed information can be obtained by contacting the Nursing and Allied Health area at 614-5940.

Scholarship Opportunities

There are several scholarships available to SUNY Niagara students. Scholarship deadline dates vary each semester.  For more information, please visit the scholarship webpage at www.niagaracc.suny.edu/scholarships. The SUNY Niagara Foundation/Scholarship Office is located within the Foundation Office, A-265 or by phone (716) 614-5910.