2023-2024 Student Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Hospitality Management, A.A.S.
Contact Information
Program Requirements
Typical Program
Degree/Certificate: Associate in Applied Science
HEGIS Code: 5010
SUNY Code: 1730
Major Code: HOSP
The Career
This program covers a broad spectrum of courses to prepare students for careers in the exciting and growing field of hospitality management. The hospitality industry is worldwide, with career potential for students at all levels from local to international. Graduates of this two-year course of study can find management careers with hotel companies, restaurant chains, tourist attractions, recreation facilities, clubs, casinos, convention facilities, and cruise lines, as well as opportunities with supplier and support services to the industry. Those interested in entrepreneurial endeavors will also find many opportunities in the tourism and hospitality field. The service delivery management skills that are the focus of this curriculum are also often transferable to other careers in the business world.
The NCCC Approach
NCCC offers a two-year academic program with ten industry-specific courses meant to give the student a comprehensive overview of the hospitality industry and the opportunities and challenges that careers in the service industry provide. Each student will be required to find employment in the industry in our internship class to complete 90 hours of work experience prior to graduation at the Niagara Falls Culinary Institute site. Additional general education and business courses are included that will allow the student to develop supportive knowledge, soft skills, and abilities the industry looks for in its career personnel. We now offer a pathway to allow students to take a paid internship/class at Disney. Students in their third semester can apply to the Disney internship program, and if accepted, complete a semester while working at Disney and taking online classes.
Students are admitted in fall, spring and summer. Because of the sequencing of courses and the internship requirement, students may take more than four semesters to complete this program if they are admitted in the spring or summer semester. There are also options to accelerate the degree and complete the requirements faster.
Transfer Information
As an associate in applied science degree, this program can be transferred to many four-year colleges. However, many management positions in the hospitality industry are available for those with two-year degrees. When higher levels of career development are considered, a student may choose to continue academic programs in hospitality programs at the many institutions that offer those degrees. Locally, we have articulation agreements with several four-year programs including degrees at Niagara University and SUNY Buffalo State University.
Program Goals and Objectives
- To give students hands on experience learning and working in several different types of restaurants and hotels
- To provide students with the fundamental management skills required by the hospitality industry
- To enhance the students’ understanding of the opportunities and challenges present in the hospitality industry
- To assist the student in developing the high level personal and professional performance standards required by the hospitality industry
- To provide students with the necessary support skills (accounting, computer technology, communication) to succeed in management positions within the industry
Program Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this program, students will:
- Understand the structure and operational challenges of various aspects of the hospitality industry
- Discern and be able to apply high quality standards as they apply to guest service and employee support and motivation
- Recognize quality standards as they apply to lodging and food service businesses
- Demonstrate supervisory-level management skills appropriate to the industry needs
- Apply managerial accounting principles to various industry situations
- Utilize appropriate written and oral communication skills for business applications
- Demonstrate a proficiency in information technology skills appropriate to the industry
- Exhibit a professional appearance consistent with career expectations
Typical Program
Because the Niagara Falls Culinary Institute (NFCI) is not a branch campus, students enrolled at NFCI must take at least one course on the Sanborn campus that is required in the program. Third Semester
- Lib Arts/Gen Ed elective to be selected from (AH, AR, FL, H, M, NS, OW, SS, WC) 3 Cr.
- Lib Arts/Gen Ed elective to be selected from (AH, AR, FL, H, M, NS, OW, SS, WC) 3 Cr.
- Lib Arts/Gen Ed elective to be selected from (AH, AR, FL, H, M, NS, OW, SS, WC) 3 Cr.
- DIS 206 - Disney College Program Co-op 6 Cr. OR
- HOS 203 - Hotel Operations II 3 Cr. AND
- HOS 212 - Industry Experience 3 Cr.
For more information about this program call the NCCC Admissions Office at 716-614-6200. Scholarship Opportunities
There are several scholarships available to NCCC students. Scholarship deadline dates vary each semester. For more information, please visit the scholarship webpage at www.niagaracc.suny.edu/scholarships. The NCCC Foundation/Scholarship Office is located within the Foundation Office, A-265 or by phone (716) 614-5910. |